Chapter 29. Running Back Into You...

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March 20, 1991

The day has finally come.

It was Family Day at the Jackson Hayvenhurst compound in Encino. It has been years since Dawnette been to the beautiful tudor styled mansion. Sure she was more than positive the place still looked the same as the last time before she left. She can vividly remember the many beautiful family portraits in the foyer once you entered through the main door, the gorgeously sculpted antiques that decorated every corner of the home, and the memory room; the very room that she and Michael decorated together. That's where most of the family photos were stashed, plastered on every inch and corner of the walls to the ceiling. There were even photos of her family with the Jacksons.

Good old memories that she never let go of.

But now, she feels as though those memories will not mean anything anymore. Dawnette was afraid at what will happen when everyone will see her and when she and Michael will tell them about their son. The nervousness she felt were words indescribable even though the Jackson family are people she has known since she was a little girl wearing pigtails in her head. She just couldn't shake the feeling from away. But Michael said that everything will be fine, so they can only hope for the best outcome of today.

Just in time, Bill pulls into the driveway of Dawnette's home, and Michael-decided at the last minute to ride with, disguised being aware that it's broad daylight and anyone can notice him-makes his way to her front door, giving it a few knocks until it swings open, revealing the woman he loves and their son dressed to impress. He smiles and greets their son first, kissing the top of his curly head, then looking at Dawnette, biting down on his lower lip.

"You look so beautiful, baby."

"Thank you. I wanted for me and Ky to look presentable for today. You know it's been a while..."

"I know. But everything will go smoothly, so let's get ready to go," he looks down at her hands holding their overnight bags, "and I'll take these."

"Thank you." She smiled, placing a soft peck to his lips as they headed towards the black SUV.

On the ride to Encino, it was pretty much filled with silence with the exclusion of the kids who were in the very backseats playing. Dawnette just stared out of the window, watching the scenery of the outside pass them by. She was quiet for a reason. It was as if her stomach was turning into knots. The nervousness just would not subside and Michael took notice of it, which prompted him to reach over and grasp her hand in his.

"You're nervous, aren't you?"

Averting her eyes from the window, she looks at him and nod. "Very."

"Babe, what did I tell you over the phone last night?"

She sighed, "I know. I'm just-...I'm just a nervous wreck right now."

"Hey," he softly says, "it's all gonna go fine. I promise. Stop working yourself up for nothing. I got you, Netty. Everything will be okay."

His reassurance somehow calmed her for the time being, but she knew better. The nerves would come back eventually.


Now at Hayvenhurst, the music was so loud that it could be heard from within the truck. Cars were lined up and down the roundabout and it was obvious everyone was here for this special occasion. Bill has been with the family for so long that Michael insisted that he joins them and he obliged as he went straight for the backyard whereas Michael, Dawnette and the children walked through the main door of the house. As she remembered, the house still looked the same. Nothing had changed which was refreshing to see.

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