Chapter 19. Running Back Into You...

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Finally, the song was complete and everyone was able to call it a night once and for all. It didn't take long to re-do Remember the Time with Michael's vocals alone. But... they did agree to keep the recorded track with Dawnette's vocals on it as part of a bonus track for the single. For an hour or so after wrapping everything up, Teddy came up with some ideas to have different versions of the song featured on Michael's new album. They'll be included as the bonus tracks but with a feel of New Jack Swing: Teddy's very own style of music.

It was filled with R&B with a bit of Hip-Hop on the tip. A lot of artists loved his style and used it for their very own songs that he produced or have written for them. As of now, Dawnette was getting ready to head out for the night. She had to pick up Kyan from her sister's and tend to his illness. Now, of course he will be excused from school for the next two days depending on how bad his virus actually is. She's going to have to make a last minute appointment to go see his pediatrician tomorrow morning before coming to the studio but that will be fine with Teddy so she really didn't need to let him know exactly. That's what she loved most about him.

He was very understanding, hell he has children of his own for Christ's sakes.

"Alright, guys, I'm out. Have to go get my baby." Dawnette announces pushing herself off from the sound board.

"Well, alright. I'll see you in the afternoon 'cause I know you're gonna be taking lit' man to the doctor's." Teddy says knowingly.

"Yeah, pretty much," she smiles sweetly, as her gaze falls on Michael, "I need to speak with you for a moment too."

Michael raised a brow in curiosity at her slight demand. "Okay." He tells her then looks at Teddy, "I'll be back, T."

"Take ya time, bro."

And with that, Michael rises from the spiral chair and follow Dawnette who led the way to the door. She opens it holding it open briefly for Michael who held it open as he walked out, closing the door shut behind him. He watches Dawnette walk across the hallway away from the door as Michael stood directly in front of it with his hands now being secured in his jeans pockets.

"So..." Michael drags getting straight to what she needed to speak with him about.

"Well, Kyan really wanted to see you today and I know you wanted to see him as well and I was wondering if you had time tonight, if you wanted to stop by for a while and spend a little time with him. Knowing he's not gonna be going to school, he's gonna be up all night... it'll really make his night because he was highly upset that he couldn't come to the studio today."

Michael couldn't help but smile at the offer, well, maybe not an offer but the fact that she's clearly inviting him to her home for the first time. Yes, it was getting late but he'd do anything for his son. His only son at that. On the other hand, Dawnette, thought it would be good for Michael to come and see him for the night since their son will mostly be indoors. Plus, she didn't want him out and about or spreading anything and making someone else sick. It was best he be in bed resting.

"Sure, I'll stop by. I miss him already. I'll just be late picking up Ana from my mother's but I'll stay for a while to see him and how's he's doing. But thanks for that--for inviting me over to see him."

Dawnette shook her head with a slight smile. "No need to thank me. Just wanted to make our son happy since he was so upset earlier. But, uh... I'm gonna get goin' so I can pick him up from Dorinda's. Oh...." she pauses reaching in her slacks pocket and pulling out a piece of pad paper, "here's my address. I already had it written down."

She walks a bit closer to him with her arm outstretched, handing the piece of paper to him. And boy did she feel an electric current flow right through her finger tips as they grazed against Michael's very own. He couldn't deny the feeling himself. It was powerful yet so faint to the touch...but powerful.

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