Chapter 17. Running Back Into You...

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Katherine continued to stare at her daughter, patiently waiting for her to answer. There was something suspicious going on and she was more than determined to get to the bottom of it. Janet, on the other hand, knew that this day would come but, God, not so soon. But one thing's for sure, she was going to tell her mother how Giuliana knows Dawnette but as for Kyan, that was something Michael was going to have to tell for himself. That was not her place to step up and throw out there for their mother.

"I'm still waiting, child..." Katherine softly say with an eyebrow raised.

Slumping her shoulders with a sigh, Janet place her hands folded onto the island. "Yesterday, I was at Michael's for a while and Geena called him about Ana coming over because she needed to rush herself to the hospital-"

"Is she okay?" Katherine asked, concerned but also cutting Janet off.

Despite all that Geena put her son through in their marriage and things she have also said about the family after the divorce between the two, Katherine forgave and forgot but she was still concerned about her regardless.

After all, she is the mother of her granddaughter.

"Uh... I'm not sure but all that I do know is that she is very ill. Very."

Katherine slowly began to shake her head at what she just heard. "I pray to Jehovah she gets well."

Janet lowered her eyes to her hands that were still folded together and slightly shook her head. If only her mother knew exactly how bad Geena was ill. It wasn't just anything that would go away with the help of medicine. This was something more severe and could take her life at any given time of day. Making her daughter a motherless child and Michael a single parent.

But even if it comes down to that, Giuliana have her aunts and grandmother to help fill that void. She has them to fall back on no matter what.

They're family.

"Yea," Janet started, shifting her eyes back onto her mother, "you and me both. But, back to where I left off, after Michael's call with Geena, we talked for a while then I was getting ready to leave and that's when I saw Dawnette for the first time in years. As for Ana and Dawn meeting, that must have happened after I had left. I knew that Dawn was coming over 'cause that's what he told me. I didn't see them meet but I know Michael introduced the two of them."

"Hmm," Katherine hummed, "alright. You just made it seem like something big how the way you interrupted Ana a little while ago."

Well, that's because it was. Thought Janet.

"Oh..oh, no." Was all she could say.

"I was just making sure. Now, get those asparagus and get to work. I need help here." Katherine smiled at her daughter who returned it.

After a while, Janet called Giuliana back in who upon emerging wanted to help with the cooking as well. It's was a beautiful sight to see. Three generations of Jacksons throwing down in the kitchen.



Just as soon as Teddy came back with his cup of black coffee, the three of them didn't waste any time and went to work on Remember the Time since they were just about close to completing it. Michael and Dawnette were both in the booth together. She was help doing backup vocals on the track as she did yesterday.

Honestly, she feels that this track doesn't need her vocals at all. Yes, it sounds good with her but without her, it would be just a great if not better. Michael didn't need a woman's touch to this at all. He could have did backup vocals himself.

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