Chapter 32. Running Back Into You...

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Learn to pronounce
noun: spite

1) an instance of a desire to hurt; a grudge.

2) deliberately hurt, annoy, or offend (someone).


I'm just tryin' to process what just happened
I'm just tryin' to express what I'm feeling


May 25, 1991

Dawnette was always the first to awaken in the mornings. She had always been an early riser from the day she could remember. Even on nights when she didn't get enough rest, her body was conditioned in a way you'd think she belonged in the military. But being a morning person came in handy, especially for times like these. She and Kyan stayed at Neverland with Michael and Giuliana. With everyone being upstairs still fast asleep, she wanted everyone to wake up to a nice and hot breakfast to start their morning.

Moving from one place of the kitchen to the other, Dawnette could consider herself a professional. A woman who knows her way around the kitchen is every man's dream. Besides, Michael had always told her how wonderful of a cook she is, tracing back to their teenage years. A melody instantly came to her head and she began humming whatever that she was hearing. By this time, Michael had awakened and could smell every ingredient coming from the kitchen. The aroma of breakfast always had its way of reaching upstairs.

When he walked into the kitchen, he saw his woman doing what she does best: making breakfast for their family. The corners of his lips slowly curved upwards into a full smile as he approached her quietly from behind with his arms snaking around her waist. Dawnette wasn't tall and she wasn't short either. She was averaged in height and Michael loved the fact he was taller. The height difference between them was cute. So he done this little thing where he dipped his hips low to where her backside was pressed against his front, his head leaning forward to where his lips showered the side of neck with feathery like kisses.

The mint on his breath was enticing.

"Good morning, baby," he murmured into her neck followed with another kiss.

"Good morning." She giggled at the feeling of his lips tickling her skin. "What's gotten you up so early?"

"No reason. I smelled breakfast and decided to come down to see what you were makin'."

"I'm makin' a bit of everything. Everyone has their favorites."

"It smells lovely as always," he complimented her cooking.

"Thank you. You woke up the kids in passing?" Dawnette asked, pulling the sizzling but crisp bacon strips from the skillet onto a plate that was topped with four layers of paper towels.

It was a black thing.

"No. They were still fast asleep when I checked on them. But..." There was a short pause as Michael called himself grinding his front into Dawnette's backside and kissing the skin of her neck once more. "While they are still sleeping, how about we finish what we started last night? It can be a little quickie."

"Nasty!" She exclaimed jokingly.

"What?" He chuckled, the sounds of it rumbling off his chest onto her back. "We've had sex in the kitchen before? Rememeber all those spontaneous things we used to do years ago?"

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