Chapter 22. Running Back Into You...

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Tuesday, March 1, 1991

It was the next morning, meaning the first day of the new month, which also was the countdown to the Jackson's Family Day. That has now become something that Dawnette was dreading, especially after what happened between her and Michael last night.

Last night.

Feeling Michael soft lips against her very own sent chills up and down her spine and not only that, it made old feelings resurface that she tried for so many years to keep at bay. Apparently, his presence was a start and now this, this was awakening everything and she did not want to give into the feelings she knew was there. It was clear as day as to how Michael felt for her, especially after his confession, and Dawnette couldn't deny it if she wanted to, but she wanted to say it back.

She really did.

She was so caught up and realized who it was that was kissing her, and that's when the anger came into play. Or, for better words, mixed emotions. She loved Michael so much that it hurts and angers her. She loves him so much that she doesn't want him to know until she feels he deserves to know. She loves him so much that it hurts not only her, but him too.

After bringing Kyan to the doctor's, getting his prescription at the pharmacy, then dropping him off at her parents, which he will be staying the night with, she was now heading to the studio. In route to there, she recieved a phone call from Lucree who obviously haven't forgotten about going to lunch with him. Obviously she had, and didn't have time to ponder that offer being that so much has been going on in such short time. It was an honest absent minded thing.

"So have you thought about my offer? I was hoping instead of lunch we could have dinner instead at the same spot as last time where we talked." He informs her of his new suggestion then quickly adds, "as friends."

Dawnette finally parks her car in her respective parking location and turned off her ignition. Upon her arrival, she looks through her window and sees Michael exiting out of his black SUV and looking at his surroundings. Noticing her car, he pauses for a brief second then heads straight toward the doors of Ocean Way. She was curious as to what he was thinking in that brief moment and she knew for a fact he had seen her sitting there on the phone too.

Just a glimpse of him reminded her of last night.

She subconsciously touched her lips with the tip of her fingers and as if the kiss was happening all over again, she got so lost in her thoughts of Michael as she could hear someone faintly calling her name.

"Dawn? Are you still there? Dawnette?"

She regained her composure and answered simply, "Yeah. Um... sorry."

"It's okay. I thought you had hung up on me there." Lucree chuckled.

"No. But, uh..." she looked down at her attire which consisted of a long sleeved nude pink pantsuit and nude heels, she pretty much was dinner ready, "I'll have dinner with you. And you don't have to remind me or yourself we're going as friends. That's been established. So what time should I meet you? I get out of the studio at 5 today. Tuesday's are always my short days."

"If it's okay with you, could I pick you up?"

"Oh. Sure I'll just drop my car at home and you can pick me up from there."

"That'll be just fine." He smiled through the phone. "I'll see you at 5:30?"

"Yes. 5:30."

"Alright then. Have a great day, Dawnette."

She smiled, exiting her car with her purse in tow and music folder. "You too, Cree. Bye."


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