Chapter 33. Running Back Into You...

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It's funny now you want it
I'm what you always wanted
You lucky that you got it


June 6, 1991

Dawnette and Michael hadn't spoken to each other in three full days; it's been driving Michael insane not being able to get through to her. Since that night of him and Brooke going out to dinner and it making headlines, she had contacted him two days after the fact, but he politely declined wanting to speak with her.

He had bigger fish to fry now.

Three days felt like three weeks. Maybe even three months and he has missed Dawnette so much. He knew he lost her that same night she ended things but when he attemtped to talk to her during their sessions at the studio and she blatantly ignored him like he was no one, it was clear she was over him.

Did it hurt him? Most definitely.

Michael hates that this is happening but he is only to blame for it. He knew it was wrong then as it is now and it has costed the best thing that's ever happened to him. Though he doesn't consider this as a break up but more so as a time away from each other, he gave her space in which he knew she needed.

As of now, he wasn't in California at the moment and instead, rehearsing for the MTV 10th Anniversary special in New York. On the other hand, the Video Vanguard Award will be named after him due to his lawyer John Branca bringing such a brilliant idea to MTV's attention. If Michael had to be honest, he'd agree he deserved such recognition for is impact on revolutionizing music videos the way he has. It should have been a thing sooner instead of now. But he guessed he could say it's never too late.

Meanwhile Michael was practicing on stage before the show was to begin hours later, Dawnette showed up for support. In truth, she was hoping that maybe they could talk once and for all. They were staying in the same hotel of course but in separate rooms on different floors. Even though Michael could have changed that, he didn't want to overstep his boundaries regarding their current situation. He didn't like the fact they weren't together and haven't been for days yet, he understood why. He just missed her so much, and seeing her at his rehearsal made him feel as though there was hope to working things out between them.

When the show began at seven p.m. eastern time, Michael put on a showstopping performance with songs such as Black or White and ending it with Will You Be There. He earned himself a standing ovation and to see Dawnette standing at the wing, he couldn't help but smile at the fact she, too, enjoyed his performance. When all was said and done, Michael found himself standing in front of the very woman he loved. He attempted to talk to her but she put an end to it by praising him on a job well done on stage. It was easy to sense she wanted to talk with him too but it wasn't the right place nor time.

On the ride back to the hotel, Michael voiced to Bill how he felt towards the situation between him and Dawnette. Since Bill had more experience when it comes to love and relationships, Michael wanted the old man's advice on what he should do.

"I will say this, Joker, that stunt you pulled with Brooke, it was a no no."

Michael rolled his eyes as if he hadn't noticed that the last couple of days. "Bill, I know that. That's why I'm coming to you for advice on what I should do to fix this. You know I love that girl and not being able to talk to her has been hell for me. Three whole days she hasn't uttered a single word to me unless its about the kids or my album. I don't like this mess that's going on."

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