Chapter 12. Running Back Into You...

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"Wait! So you suggest they come over here for today?" Janet asks Michael, both of her brows raised high as they could go.

It's been almost a little over an hour now since Janet had been there and she and Michael migrated their conversation from the kitchen to the living area of the house to be more comfortable. They were still, and obviously talking about Dawnette and Kyan who Michael told her will be arriving today, hopefully, in a few more minutes. He knows how long of a drive to Neverland is and he sure knows that Dawnette was probably tired of it.

He could have just sent Jay or Bill to pick them up instead. That's what he should have insisted on doing last night. Well, he was, sort of, but stubborn Dawnette Shoshona Keys wanted to drive for herself. He wasn't going to argue with her about that. He does understand why she chose to drive to Neverland. But, still, he feels sort of terrible knowing she's driving from where she lives (Burbank) to his home with their son along the way.

Imagine how he may behaving.

Probably bombarding Dawnette with a million and one questions about where they're heading. All Michael could do was chuckle at the thought in his head. But he was more than excited to be spending the whole day with his son... and with Dawnette too. Although, he's still upset with her about the whole ordeal with Kyan, he was happy to bond with the woman he is so in love with along with their son.

A family?

That's what he'd love to call it, but the way things were right now, it would be a little too much for the big 'F' word.

"Yeah." Michael answers. "Last night I told her that I wanted them to come over, so I gave her my number and address and everything went from there."

"Oh. So that means I'm gonna be seeing Dawn when she gets here?" Janet questions, a smile appearing on her face.

Michael raised a brow at her. "You'll see her, but you're definitely not stayin'. This was a day meant for only me and my son. Okay? So when they get here, you're outta here." Michael points his thumb to the entryway of the living area.

"So mean," Janet smack her lips, playfully glaring at her older brother, "but I'm not even gonna trip. I have to be at the studio for my session so you're good on that."

"Great." Michael says back only to receive a slap on the arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

"For acting like you don't want me here, you poop head." Janet tells him.

Michael just threw his head back and laugh at his new found nickname Janet just called him. "Okay. I guess I'm a--" But before he could finish his sentence, the house phone rang.

He was sure enough about to wait for Pamela to come through the entryway to hand him the phone, but forgot that he told her to take the rest of the week off.

Shit, I forgot. He thought.

He stood up from the sofa and began to make his way over to the house phone located on top of the fireplace shelf. Assuming that it was Dawnette who was calling maybe to tell him that she was here already, he answers the phone, her name being the first thing that comes from his mouth.


"Dawnette?" The person on the other line asked in confusion, in a raspy voice. He recognized that voice very well even though it was a bit raspy.

"Oh, sorry," Michael nervously chuckles, "Hello, Geena."

Michael turns his head to Janet to see her raising a brow at him upon hearing him say Geena's name. He just shrugs his shoulders as to why she was calling. Hell, he never really got into the phone call to even know so he wouldn't even know how to explain that to her yet. Geena, who was on the other line, was a little taken off guard at the name that Michael called her. She wondered who this Dawnette person was. She wasn't going to ask being that it was none of her business. Besides, she and Michael were no longer married, so he was not obligated to tell her a thing.

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