Chapter 31. Running Back Into You...

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February 25, 1984

"The Grammys is in a matter of three days, and Michael, you have been nominated for almost all the categories. Aren't you excited?" Brooke excitingly said, her smile going from ear to ear.

"Yeah," Michael timidly answers, "I am. I've waited for this moment since Off the Wall. I'm very excited."

"Well, I'm proud of you, Mikey. You've accomplished so much at such a young age and to have the best selling album of all time, I'm sure is the greatest feeling in the world."

Blushing, Michael nods modestly, "thanks, Netty. I really app-"

"Sooo..." Brooke intentionally interupted. "Do you have a date? You know you and me can go together. We always do."

Michael shook his head as his response.

"Okay, so I'm going with you as your date then," Brooke ordered and Michael hesitated to interject her words.

Truth is, he did not want to go to the Grammys with her, but just didn't know how to break it off to her without it seeming like he was hurting her feelings. Michael and Brooke has attended many events together in previous years. They've met in the early eighties while Brooke was still very much a teen and Michael in his early twenties. A close bond and friendship formed and it's still standing strong today. But there are times where Michael prefers to not be around her all of the time and publicly at that.

"Listen, Brooke," Michael sighed softly. "I was really planning on taking Netty with me instead."

Hearing him say that not only shocked Brooke, but Dawnette herself whose eyes were popping out of her sockets. Brooke glared at Michael then at Dawnette, a pinch of jealousy coursing through her body. The feeling wasn't foreign to her at all. Brooke had always been jealous of the close relationship Dawnette and Michael had. Granted, she and Michael had some things in common whereas being child stars and in the spotlight all the time is concerned, but they didn't have the real, authentic friendship she had hoped for them to have.

Dawnette grew up with the Jacksons since they were children so, there was an advantage to Brooke four years of being in their lives. So to hear Michael say that he have intentions of bringing Dawnette as his date kind of upset her.

"Being that I'm in the spotlight, I thought you'd take me and not...her." She had said with a tone of disdain, pointing her thumb in Dawnette's direction.

"Brooke, it's not that serious. We can go together another time," Michael reasoned with her, a soft smile on his lips.

Standing from the sofa of the living room, Brooke huffs while grabbing her belongings. "That's the thing. There won't be a next time. This is a huge deal and I wanted to be there with you for it. I'm leaving."

Dawnette fought so hard to keep her expressions in check as well as her laughter, watching the blonde beauty in all her tantrum. Michael, on the other hand, raised his brows as if to say 'be my guest' as he watched his friend leave out of the room. Soon as the coast was cleared, hearing the front door of the house close, Michael glanced at Dawnette who glanced back at him and they both started to laugh.

"She's mad mad," came Dawnette's voice through her laughs.

Michael waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, she'll be okay."

"And I know you lied just so you wouldn't have to agree to go to the Grammys with Brooke, too."

"Well..." Michael sucked in air through his mouth, eyebrows raised. "I did kind of lie about that part but I do want to take you with me as my date this time. So would you?"

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