Chapter 6. Running Back Into You...

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Finally, Michael made it back to his home, pulling up to the front steps of his house. He looks out of the window and see that a creme colored BMW was parked next to where they had pulled up. He hadn't noticed it there until now. Bill scoots over and opens the door and gets out, Michael following suit.

Bill pats Michael lightly on the back before getting back inside the SUV with Jay and they finally drive off. Hearing the door to the car open, a woman steps out in a beautiful blue sundress with matching sandals. Her hair was in a neat bun sitting perfectly on top of her head.

She shuts the car door gently and smiles weakly at Michael. "Hi..Michael."

"Hi, Geena. How are you?" Michael asks her with a smile.

Telling Michael she was fine would be a bald faced lie because she really wasn't. She was far from being fine. That's why she's here today. She needs to tell him before it's too late.

"I'm...uh... I'm..."

Michael could sense her uneasiness. "Yes?"

"I'm doing okay. I'm okay. How about yourself?" She looks down, folding her hands in front of her.

Michael knew she was lying straight through her teeth. But he wasn't going to question her about it. He knew whatever that was bothering her, she would eventually come out with it. But until then, he's going to leave it alone....for now.


"I'm good. How's my baby girl doing?"

Hearing him ask about their daughter made her lift her head up, smiling wider than before. "She's great. She's at daycare for the day." Michael nods his head, his smile still adorning his face. "She's the reason why I'm over here. I know you're probably wondering why I'm here anyway."

And she was right about that too. Michael wasn't going to say it yet, but he was going to ask her why she was there after inviting her inside. Hell, she beat him to the punch. But what is it that she has to tell him about concerning their daughter?

"What about Giuliana? She's okay, right? I thought yo-"

"Michael," Geena chuckles lightly at him, "she's fine. I'm serious. It's about her but mostly me though." There was a sudden change in her mood and tone.

Michael brows furrowed now worried. "W-what about you, Geena?"

Geena turns her head, looking elsewhere but his eyes. She doesn't know how he's going to take the news. She doesn't know how she's going take it telling him. She doesn't want to break down in front of him because she knows she's stronger than that. Plus, she doesn't want any sympathy from him either. She knows exactly how Michael is. But she knew that this was bound to happen again. This was going to come back for her and she couldn't run from it if she wanted or tried too.

There was no running from it this time.

"GeGe, you can tell me what's up." Hearing him call her by her nickname he gave her made her lift her head up.

She held a straight face. It was emotionless. "I think it's best that we go inside for this. May we, please?" She asks politely.

Michael nods. "Sure...c'mon." He motions his head towards the house. He led the way up the steps to the front door, Geena a couple steps behind him.

Once making it to the front door, Pamela opens it with a smile while moving aside to meet both Michael and Geea inside. "Hello, Michael."

Michael flashes his smile at her and says, "Hey, Pam. And thanks for opening the door."

"You're welcome."

She shifts her eyes to Geena, very surprised to see her there out of all people. Pamela really didn't care for Geena like talking about it. She knew Geena was after his name and money the moment she was introduced to her. Although, she didn't want to pry into her boss's personal life, but she told him how she felt about her.

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