Chapter 16. Running Back Into You...

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Monday, February 29, 1991

"Baby, have a good day at school, okay?" Dawnette tells Kyan with a smile. She was parked outside by the student drop off of Burbank Elementary School.

"I will, mommy!" He smiled back.

"Now give mommy a hug and kiss so she can head to work."

With that being said, Kyan leaned over in his seat with his arms spread wide, Dawnette meeting him halfway as she pulled him into her for a tight embrace. She landed a wet one on his cheek then pulled away, laughing as she watch him scrunch up his little nose wiping his cheek.

"Ew!" He exclaimed, disgusted.

"Ah, you'll be alright. Now go on before you're tardy." She rushes him as he was preparing to exit the car but stopped abruptly to turn around once more.

"Mommy?" He asks, shyly.

"Yeah, baby?"

"If you see daddy today.... can-can you tell him I miss him and that I love him too."

Dawnette was at a lost for words. Her face wore the brightest smile and her heart melted as well. There was no doubt she wouldn't deliver that message back to Michael. It would really make his day to hear their son say those words.

"I sure will, hun."

"Okay. Bye, mommy." He waves opening the door and stepping outside onto the pavement.

Dawnette blows a kiss then return the wave as she watches him run off to be with his friends. Seconds later, she pulls off and head to Ocean Way Studios for the day. Not even at least three minutes into driving, her cellphone began to ring. She reaches into the side pocket of her handbag and retrieves her ringing mobile, briefly glancing at the caller I.D.

"Hello, Lucree." She speaks into the phone after pressing the answer icon.

Honestly, she doesn't know why he was calling her phone so soon. It's only been a couple of days since their meeting at Frank's Steak House when she told him how she truly felt about everything, when he tried to ease his way back into her heart. Saying that he had changed.

Of course that didn't happen.

Also, she hasn't even made a decision if she was going to consider being his friend. To be honest, she actually forgot that he even mentioned it that day. A lot has happened after that taken place. Seeing Michael again in five years, her plan to tell him about Kyan being his and vice versa to meeting Michael's other child and introducing their kids to one another as brother and sister, she really had forgotten.

There was a lot going on with her.

"Hey, Dawnette. I know you're wonderin' why I'm callin' but I was hoping since you're off today, we could meet up and have a nice breakfast together... as friends, of course." He says a little nervously.

"Uh, I'm not off from work today, Cree." Dawnette informs him. "I took off for yesterday and making up for it."

Lucree sighs, then says, "Oh. Okay, then. Maybe we can do it another time?"

"Depends." She simply says.

"On what, Dawn?"

Dawnette rolled her eyes at his question. "How busy with work I'm gonna be. Look, I'll let you know what's up if I'm free, alright?"

Dawnette knew working with Michael and Teddy throughout the days of the week, she may not even have time to sit down and have breakfast with Lucree in the mornings. Working on the Dangerous album wasn't just gonna complete itself. It was gonna take lots and lots of time, especially, dealing with a perfectionist like Michael Jackson. Plus, she has to drop off Kyan at school every morning which is extra busy work on her day to day agenda. It was nothing new. But the only satisfying answer she could give him was she'll let him know. Other than that, she was just plain busy.

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