Chapter 18. Running Back Into You...

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After a couple hours of recording then playing the playback of the tracks, Dawnette came to a conclusion on what to do with her background vocals. She decided she wasn't needed and that was final. As she said before, the song will be a grand hit without her and she had faith that it will. Michael, on the other hand, really wanted her on this track with him. As he would put it, it was 'creating magic' when their voices were together musically.

But, he wasn't fretting at all because he had a little idea up his sleeve for his next single and she couldn't say no to the collaboration. What he had in mind indeed needs a woman's vocals and she was the got-to person for it. It's not that he needed her so bad, but he wanted her. In more ways than one than anyone could ever imagine.

Where music was NOT concerned.

But he had to think back to the music, her voice. Her voice was a one of a kind yet so unique. That's what he loved most about her besides the fact that she was the mother of his child and he wanted her in his life entirely after realizing some things in his love life.

As of now, Dawnette was gone to pick up Kyan from school. She received a call from the principal that Kyan wasn't feeling well at all to the point he vomited in class. That's why there's an early break in the session. Michael knew how bad his son wanted to come see him today but due to his illness, it was put off to the side for now.

Teddy and Michael were sitting together at the soundboard while Michael had out his journal and pen, getting a head start on this idea that had popped into his head not too long ago. He knew the concept of how he wanted it to be about all the way up the the melody and harmonies of his voice. He jotted down some words that were brewing in his head, a slight smile slowly creeping onto his face.

"What's got you smiling over there, man?" Teddy asks him.

Michael finally looks up from his journal and shakes his head. "Nothing, T." 'T' was the new nickname Michael gave to him. "Just had this new idea for this song I have in mind so I had to write it down. I normally use my recorder and do everything on it but as you can see, I'm bombed."

"Oh, I see. So I'm guessing Dawn inspired this idea to come to light, right? I mean, from the smile that was on your face..." Teddy makes known.

Michael couldn't help but to blush. He closes up his journal and sets it down on the soundboard then places his pen in the small pocket of his button down shirt. "Maybe." He answers shortly but Teddy gave him a look as if to say 'Try again.' "Okay, yes. She was the inspiration. I guess you can say I-"

"You still love her even after all that you both been through."

Michael's brows raised, shocked at what he just heard. He knows that Dawnette and Teddy have been close friends since they started working together so of course she would confide in him about their past relationship and how they new each other from the start. Was he upset about it? Hell no. If anything, he did the exact same thing but with two people only. Bill and Janet. Other than that, he kept that part of his life a secret. But that secret was soon to be unleashed once Family Day comes around.

"Yes, I really do. I've always did love her."

"I can tell by the way you look at her. Trust me, I be catching you, man. I'm thinking to my damn self, 'He's so in love it's a fuckin' shame. If only he knew I'm catching his ass red-handed staring at Dawn as if no one else is in the room'."

This made Michael bend over in hysterics. "Haha! I guess I suck at being low key."

"If you want the truth, yea, you do." Teddy says while chuckling. "But, hey! She's a beautiful person inside and out. She makes mistakes and I'm glad you guys are moving forward with things now that you know about your son. I actually got onto her about that too the day before everything was out the bag."

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