Chapter 20. Running Back Into You...

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After her emotional conversation with her sister Dorinda and a word of a advice on how to cope with her issues about Michael, she gathered up her son, bid Dorinda a goodnight and left the cozy home. Now in her car, she was headed straight to her own respective home to lie her baby down to rest in his own bed. She honestly felt bad for her son having to deal with this stomach virus. He's never been this sick in his almost five years of life.

It was so disheartening to see how pale and fragile he looked because of it. She knew once she gets that soup recipe from her mother, hopefully, by the wonderful miracles of the ingredients and the grace of God, Kyan will start to feel a lot more better within the next few days or so.

Until then, he'll be going to the doctors in the morning. Being that her house was just three miles away from Dorinda's, she eased her way into the driveway putting the car in park and killing the engine.

"Mommy, are we home? I don't feel good at all." She hears Kyan ask from the back seat in a groggy, but weak voice.

Turning around in the driver's seat she replies, "Yes, baby, we are home at last so that you can take a quick, good bath and finally rest for the morning. You're going to see the doctor and then will be staying with grandma and grandpa while mommy is at work. But now that you're slighlty awake, you want mommy to carry you inside?"

Shaking his head slowly, he says, " No, mommy. I'm a big boy."

Dawnette couldn't help but smile at her little man or as he told her "big boy". He really and truly was one; just growing up so fast.

"Well, okay. Get yourself unbuckled so I can lock up the car and get you situated. Daddy will be coming over to see you too tonight."

And at the mention of his father coming over to see him, his eyes sparkled with delight regardless to the fact he was ill at the moment. That truly made his night and deep down inside, it sure did makes Dawnette's night as well.

"Really?" He asks excitedly and hop out the car and closes the door as Dawnette does the same.

"Yes. So that's why we need to get you all freshened up and ready for bed before he comes. He should be here in a few more minutes." She informs her son as they make their way up the pathway to the front door with her already having the house key ready to let them both inside the dark house.

"Okay." Came his response.

As the click of the lock was heard, the door swung open for him to enter inside first then Dawnette as she switched on the outside light then the lights in the foyer working her way to each light switch to brighten up the house.

She made her way to the kitchen switching the lights on as she set her purse, keys and cellphone down on the counter. Kyan was right on her tail.

"Since you're a big boy now, why don't you go run your bath water, or do you want me to come with you?"

Kyan twisted his lips to the side, something he very much picked up from his father habits as a kid. "I want you to come. I don't know how to make the big bubbles like you do, mommy."

"Alrighty. I'll make the bubbles while you gather up your pajamas." And with that, they both left the kitchen and ascended up the stairs to the bathroom.

About fifteen minutes later, after washing up thoroughly in his bubble bath and shampooing and washing his curly mane, Kyan was in his green Michaelangelo Ninja Turtles pajamas. He was now downstairs in the livingroom watching cartoons as his mother started on her nightly routine as well.

While Dawnette was in the shower in her bedroom, her phone began to ring signaling Kyan that it was coming from the kitchen. Although he was seriously sick, he took it upon himself to dash right into the kitchen to answer his mother's phone before it stopped. Even the slight run made his stomach turn even more as if he was going to be sick more than he already was. The phone rang for the fifth time as he used the foot bar of the stool to lift himself up to retrieve it.

Running Back Into YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora