Chapter 21. Running Back Into You...

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"Daddy!" Both Michael and Dawnette hear their son shout weakly upon their entrance.

Michael's smile was so wide at the sight of his son. Now that he was here, he could actually see how pale Kyan's face was due to the stomach virus he was dealing with. Moving from around Dawnette, Michael and Kyan met each other halfway as Michael bent down to his son's level and lifted him up into his arms. Kyan wrapped his small arms around his father and they both embraced each other. Dawnette stood off to the side gazing at the two loving men she adored.

Only with the exception of, one didn't know, of course.

"I missed you, buddy." Michael tells Kyan breaking their hug.

"Me too, daddy. Guess what?"

"What?" Michael asked enthused.

"I have no school for the rest of the week."

"Oh yeah?" Michael raises a brow.

"It all depends on how fast your virus fades away, Ky. But for now, you're gonna be home for two or three days."

"Aww, man!" Kyan pouted. Michael chuckled at his son's cuteness.

"Michael, have a seat. Kyan would be out in a few due to the medication he just took before you got here. Would you like anything to drink, by the way?"

Michael grabs Kyan's hand and pulls him along with him, taking a seat on the sofa that was facing the wide flat screen television. He sat Kyan right onto his lap then turned his attention to Dawnette. "Umm, no I'm fine for now. Thank you, though."

"You're welcome. I guess we can watch some movies. How about your favorite, Ky?" Dawnette asked, taking a seat next to Michael. She left a little space between them as she tucked her left foot underneath her.

Kyan ears perked at the suggestion knowing he was about to watch his favorite movie. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!"

"Alright." She says sweetly, reaching over to the table in front of them and grabbing the remote control. "Good thing the cassette is already set in. It's all he watches." She tells Michael.

He looked at her sweetly and smiled. "I'll bet. Sounds exactly like me with Peter Pan."

"Daddy, you like Peter Pan?" Kyan asks him with look of drowsiness, but all the more he still looked adorable. It was a matter of time before he would dose off to sleep.

"Yes, I do. Do you?"

"Yesss." He drawls. Michael and Dawnette just chuckled at him and turned their attention to the television as the movie began to start.

An hour or so later, the movie was now on it's closing credits. Dawnette stopped the cassette and turned off the television. She grabbed for her phone to check the time and saw that it was almost one in the morning. She had to get Kyan in bed for his appointment tomorrow and to take him to her parents for the day. All she needed was their mother's miracle soup to bring back home to help with getting rid of Kyan's virus. She looked over at Michael's lap to see that their son was out like a light.

Michael took notice of her peeking and said, "He could barely keep his eyes open for the first ten minutes. Poor guy." He chuckles quietly not to wake him.

"Yeah. I told you that he would." She said rising from the sofa and stretching her muscles.

Michael eyes could not help but wonder at the rising of her robe showing off more of her skin. He could damn near see the underline of her butt cheeks and make out that she was wearing a thong. Hell, she barely had anything underneath that tempting silk robe. He felt like she was teasing him but he knew she wasn't trying to. It was all in his head. It goes to shows what he's been missing and could've had a long time ago.

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