Chapter 8. Running Back Into You...

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"Now," Dorinda starts to say, setting her now empty glass of wine down on the oval shaped glass table that was in the center of the livingroom, "how do you feel about working with him? What's holding you back from working with him?" She asks Dawnette in a soft tone.

After hearing the run down on when and what happened bewteen her sister and Michael when they came in contact after so long, she really wanted to dig deeper into the whole 'not wanting to produce his album' situation. The details that Dawnette gave her wasn't enough to prove to her why she bailed out at the last minute. A part of her knows one good reason as to why her sister did what she did, which is obvious that she never got around into informing Michael about. Also, she know there's something else in the mix of this.

But what?

"What do you mean 'how I feel about it'? Do, I told them that I couldn't do it. Therefore, I wouldn't know how to feel."

Dorinda gave her baby sister a penetrating look and Dawnette knew exactly what was coming. She wanted to avoid it, but knew that she couldn't even if she tried her hardest.

There was no way around it.

"You haven't told him about Kyan, haven't you? Is that why you were so quick to bail out on them? Dawnie, whatever happened between y'all is in the past now. Let it fucking go!" Dawnette opened her mouth about to speak, but Dorinda cut her off before a single word could come out. "Look, I understand you were hurt. I remember the phone calls you've made to me when I was still livin' back at home in Manhattan, but you need to put whatever feelings you have against him to the side and tell this man about his child. It's been five damn years now. You need to tell him before he finds out himself. He'll be crushed and you know this."

Dawnette sighs, sinking further down into the leather covered cushioned sectional sofa. "As if I don't already know that, Do. I know I need to tell him about Ky. I will when the time is right. I just don't wanna rush into it, ya know. I need to sit him down and get it out, not tell him upfront. I need time for this, which is not something so easy to do. But...but I don't have anything against Michael, I don't. It's not anything that's bad that's making me not want to help him. It's something different. Something that I told him, that I told myself I would try to do but it just never happened."

"Okay, let's slow this down a bit, please. When do you plan on tellin' him?" Dorinda raises a brow, crossing her arms over her chest.

Dawnette bites the inside of her cheek, pondering her answer. To be honest, she never gotten around to actually sit down to herself and figure out when and where she's going to tell Michael about Kyan. Well, it is a little too soon being that she just saw Michael today and after seeing him, it's put a lot of pressure onto her now because she has Teddy and Dorinda who were trying to get her to spit it out.... on her own time, of course, but soon enough for Michael. And let's not forget Janet who she spoken to weeks ago over the phone who also knows about her nephew that's for Michael. She was trying to get her to tell him then, but she just didn't have the guts to do it at the time.

"I don't know, Dorinda." Came Dawnette's answer. "Janet did invite me to their Family Day that's next month, and I was plannin' on telling him before, which has to be soon."

"Alright, and how long is soon?"

"Well...I...I-I," she fumbles over her words, "I think it's going to have to be tomorrow?" Dawnette say more as a question than a statement.

"Tomorrow?" Dorinda asks her unsure of what came from her sister's mouth. "Are you sure about that? You don't wanna wait at least a day or two? To like, get your words and thoughts together maybe?"

"Do, why wait an extra day or two when I kept it away from him for four-five damn years? I don't see any use in that now. It's just gonna add more days to the years I've wasted to tell Michael about his son. Although, I'm not prepared for this and got everything that I need to say to him, it's gotta happen, right?"

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