Chapter 3. Running Back Into You

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"Well, since you've been talking to her all this time, how is she?" Michael asks Janet who was throwing away her now empty paper plate. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"She's doing great, according to her. She works at a studio here in L.A., but she never said where. Overall, she's wonderful."

Michael nods his head at Janet's answer. He really wanted to know more, but knowing Dawnette, he knew that she didn't want Janet telling all of her business to him or any Jackson member and that was fine too. All he wanted to know was how she was doing.

It wasn't so bad to ask that, right?

"I'm glad she's doing great. Umm..i-is she married now?"

He didn't really want to pry into her relationship life, but he was only curious as if she was taken by anyone. If so, yes, he would feel a little upset, but also happy that she has found someone other than him to make her happy. Although, he wishes it was him to do that and get that job done.

"No, she's not married. All I know is that she was dating a guy for two years, I think, but she broke it off with him. Why? I don't have a fucking clue. It's none of my business to pry in that. shouldn't be yours either, so we're just gonna leave that where it's at."

"Okay, I will. Does she know about my divorce to Geena? She should know, I mean, it was all over the news at the time."

Janet just only shrugs her shoulders. "Mike, I wouldn't know. She never brought it up in one our conversations. Clearly, it's possible that she doesn't 'cause if she did she would have asked about it, right?"

Michael nods his head and sighs. "You're right. I was just only asking. She probably doesn't watch much television." He looks down at his hands and begin to chuckle to himself thinking about how Dawnette was never a big fan of watching television. "She never did anyway." He finally takes his gaze off of his hands and place it back on Janet, smiling.

"Yeah, she never did..." Janet smiles, but it quickly fades away as quick as it appeared. "But I do wanna ask you something...relating to Dawn, though?"

Janet had his full attention now the moment she asked him that. "What?"

"Well, I never--I was-why Geena, Mike?"

Michael stared at her, a little shocked, actually. After all this time, she never asked him why he chose Geena over Dawnette. Even when he was married at the time, she never asked him why until now. It's obvious that she never asked Dawnette why even though they've been talking for a long time now without him knowing it.

She could have easily asked Dawnette why, but he was pretty sure that was a subject that Dawnette probably didn't want to get into being that it was something very painful and hard to talk about. It was something that she, Dawnette, has gotten over and doesn't want to revisit and moved on from.

He knows.

"I'm a little taken aback. It took you this long to ask me why when you could have easily asked me or Dawnette."

"Well, I was tempted to ask her, but what for? She was the one who was heartbroken not you. I knew she had feelings for you because she told me three days prior to the day she left you without a damn trace when she told me that she was going to see you because you had something to tell her. But, I wouldn't have thought it was going to be something that terrible to the point she never came back to see us. She didn't even call, text, nothing to tell me what happened. And the reason why I waited this long is 'cause I figured that you were gonna tell what happened, but clearly you didn't. I wanted you to tell me. You were and still is the prime source as to why she left. I know one thing for sure, it's because of Geena, obviously. But there's more to it than that, I know. That's why I'm asking you why you chose Geena..."

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