Chapter 15. Running Back Into You...

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"Thanks, Bill for bringing her. I appreciate it a lot." Michael told Bill with a bright smile.

Although Bill returned the gesture, he could feel some vibes in the air coming from Dawnette. Just one glance at her he could see the shocking expression on her face seconds ago, which gave him a hint that she didn't know that Michael had another child but obviously figured it out. He knew about Kyan being that last night when Michael left the studio, he told him everything about what Dawnette did. Michael ran the whole story to him about everything.

He felt where Michael was coming from about the whole keeping his son away from him. Yes, Dawnette was wrong for what she did, but he also understood why she did what she did, according to what Michael told him and he explained his reasons why he felt that way about her actions. Honestly, they both done wrong to each other and they needed to settle down somewhere and talk it all out. But knowing them both for quite a mighty long time since their younger years, Bill knew how stubborn they both could be.

Too stubborn for their own damn good.

"No, problem." Bill responds. "But uh... is it okay if I speak with you for a second," Bill looks to Dawnette and says, "could you excuse us for a minute, Dawn?"

Dawnette, who was looking like a lost puppy standing in the vincinity of both men, looked up to both of them. Her eyes landed on Michael's daughter then him and finally landed on Bill. "Yes." She answers.

"It will only take a minute." He reassures her and she nods her head, turning on her heels to tend back to the table where her son was seated quietly eating his lunch.

Walking toward the foyer, Michael followed Bill closely to their destination. He can sense where this 'speaking with him alone' was going. A few seconds later, they made it into the foyer away from ear shot. Bill looked down to the brown, wooden tile floors then back up at Michael who was caressing his daughter's back as she was laying her head on his shoulder.

"So what's up, Bill?" Michael asks him already knowing what it was.

"You never told Dawn that your daughter was showing up? I mean, wasn't today was suppose to be about you and your son? Not saying that Giuliana shouldn't be involved but I could have taken her to your mother's instead then bring her here after your time with Kyan..."

Michael sighed and said, "I know. I was planning on telling Dawn but it slipped my mind when I was enjoying my time with Kyan and... I know I should have given her a heads up-"

"Yeah," he scoffs, "you should have. The poor girl looked a little taken off guard back there. But all I'm saying is that you could have informed them both, especially Kyan being that he doesn't know that he has a sister. Meeting you and then her is somewhat a lot in one day, don't ya think, Joker?"

"I know. I wasn't thinking. I was too caught up enjoying being with my son, that's all."

"Well, you need to get ready to tell them about her, although I'm more than positive Dawn figured it out. I'm pretty sure Kyan will love the fact he has a little sister who he can be protective over."

Hearing that made Michael smile wide. He couldn't help but think about Kyan being overly protective of his little sister.

"True, but I'll tell them even thought it's obvious."

Bill nods his head, "Alright. That's all I needed to say. I'm gonna go. You already know what to do."


Bill takes a few steps closer to Michael and lean his head down, placing a kiss onto Giuliana's cheek. "Bye, sweetie."

She lifts her head up and waves goodbye. "Bye, Unca Bill." Both men laugh at her pronunciation of uncle.

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