Dylan's visit

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A/N not part of the vid calsIt was still early and Thomas was up early so excited for his mate to come to visit today. I mean I like Dylan but I got a feeling that Stiles won't like him that much and that he decently will make fun of Tommy's silly hair due for this bloody film he's shooting.It was early too early for me Thomas got up trying not to wake me but failed, so I turned around trying to get back to sleep when Stiles jumped on the bed trying to get under the covers with me to cuddle. I sighed sitting up stretching a little bit as he crept into my bed more. I got up and Stiles just laid there looking at me so I sighed and grabbed a towel going to the bathroom for a shower, but as I opened the door Thomas was stood there in just a towel half-naked still slightly wet his hair damp from the water. I looked away trying to hide the blush taking off my shirt, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tommy smirking in the mirror brushing his teeth. I got into the shower and well shower. Thomas went to make breakfast or whatever. I got out of the shower getting dressed in one of my jeans and his maze runner jacket, it was so fluffy and warm. I went downstairs to see Stiles making a mess of his food so I had to clean it. I looked for Thomas but he was nowhere to be seen, so I cleaned up the mess and made breakfast for the both of us as he came up behind me smirking slightly hugging me from behind. "Dylan is going to be here in an hour," He said turning me around to face him and I kissed him, This went on for a while so I pushed him off of me and he looked confused at me. "Dylan's coming better get dressed towel boy" I teased poking his chest. "Oww," He said playfully going up the stairs. Thomas sat playing his guitar while I sat drawing by his record player singing along to the music playing softly when I heard the doorbell ring. Stiles was so excited for a visitor seeing we haven't had any in weeks. He ran over to the door and just started barking like crazy. "Your dog's on the fritz" Thomas teased as I walked over to the door to see who it was. I opened the door and Stiles ran out and jumped on Dylan. He looked so happy to see him. "It's for you Thomas" I laughed and Thomas came out of the house looking all groovy and excited to see his mate. Dylan picked up Stiles and he licked his face I just had to take a picture I couldn't help myself. "What's his name," Dylan asked looking at the tag and he just started to laugh hysterectomy "Really," He asked still laughing. "What you know I love teen wolf dude," I said as he put Stiles down. He hugged me and we went back inside sitting in the living room. "So where Thomas," He asked I looked around not able to find him when I noticed the music room's door is closed. I got up and opened the door to see Thomas sat looking at something in the mirror. "What's wrong," I asked and he looked at me funny and it clicked. "Oh my God Thomas he won't laugh," I said dragging him out the room and into the living room where Stiles sat on Dylan's lap. Thomas went and sat next to Dylan and he looked up at Thomas and his smile faded. "Wow, dude who poured a bowl of spaghetti out on your head." He said laughing his eyes tearing up. It's for the bloody movie okay" He said frustrated petting Stiles. "Yeah yeah," He said fluffing Thomas's hair making him look at Dylan. I laughed like the bloody joker thinking it was the funniest thing ever.

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