Utaites as Vines Pt.4

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(A/N back at it again with more memes and Vines ww! Hope you enjoy!)

Amatsuki: What did I tell you not to do?
Kashitaro: Not to burn the house down.
Amatsuki: And what did you do?
Kashitaro: I cooked dinner!
Amatsuki, glaring at him
Kashitaro: And I burned the house down...

Wolpis: Guys I just found out that my birthday is on the same day I was born. Life's crazy!
Ikusobro wheezing

KuroNeko: Hey, I'm lesbian.
Sakata: I thought you were Japanese.

Shima, tearing up: I thought you were bae. Turns out, you were just fam.
Senra, sniffing

Sou, walks up to KuroLon: Hey do you- know the secret to a perfect relationship?
KuroLon: Communication!
Sou: Alright then! Thanks!

Random person: Are those guys yours?
Mafumafu, Amatsuki, and Sakata trying to drown fish
Soraru sighing
Kashitaro: Yep.
Urata: Those are ours. And we love them very much.

KuroNeko and Eve looking at Sou and Lon
Eve and Sou pair up and KuroNeko and Lon pair up
Eve: You think your cuter than us?
KuroLon: Hell yeah, ten times cuter
EveSou and KuroLon arguing on who's the cuter couple

Nqrse: I don't need a college degree to become a clothing hanger.
Nqrse in a clothing hanger and puts himself on the door knob

Urata comes home drunk
Senra: Look at you! Your drunk!
Urata: I am not fucking drunk!
Shima: Alright then. Tell the time then.
Urata to the clock: I am not fucking drunk!

Urata: Everyone has a gay cousin.
Shima: Bro, I don't have a gay cousin.
Urata staring at Shima
Shima: Oh shit. I am the gay cousin.

Mafumafu: No words can describe how much I love you.
Soraru: No words can describe how much you need to shut the fuck up.

Mafumafu walking into the room: Story time! Everyone in this room was entirely straight.
Eve and Sou cuddling on the couch, Urata and Sakata hugging one another, Shima and Senra making out, stops and looks at Mafumafu.
Mafumafu: Just kidding! April Fools guys!
Everyone laughs and continues being gay

The last one was a late April Fools day joke! Sorry for the late upload ww!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a good day/night!

-Ramen Out!💫

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