what the actual fuck

444 18 19

I need help

" Brrrrrmmmmm brmmm " an Amatsuki chirped as he shot Mafumafu to death.

"Ok what was that for. You know that's very rude." The wild albino said before he fell down the couch and died.

Soraru watched him fall down the couch and laughed to himself before he too fell down the couch.

"ayo what up." Soraru asked the dead albino who literally went "Oh I'm fine just dying what about you?"

"Oh I'm dying too." The raven haired said as he died with the albino.

"Hey guys I'm back." A Shima said with a T-Rex in his hand.

"Bro wtf we left for 5 minutes to get McDonald's and you guys already killed each other." A tired Senra scolded stuffing his face with French fries.

"Bro we ain't dead. We vibing." The albino corrected while Shima joined them.

"Cool let me join you guys too." Said the yellow banana before the door behind him opened and he fell in the floor with the French fries falling all over the place.

"Someone said brrrrrrmmmmm. Its actually BRRRRRRRMMMMM BRRRRMMMMMM.' a small pink guy said dragging a taller dog with him.

" Yeah dude. Like Nqrse said. " Luz barked happily even though he was being dragged by a smaller guy

"Shut up." A racoon on the couch said.

"NOU" Nqrse pointed to Urata and the two started a Nou fight with one another.

Luz sat there quietly before the door opened up AGAIN by a mushroom and a brunette who walked in confused.

"What the actual hell happened here." Eve said in utter confusion .

"You see. I died, Soraru-San died, Shima-San died, Senra-Kun kind of died by the door and Urata and Nqrse are fighting." The albino's ghost said looking concerned at the three dudes on the floor.

"Right. I-I think we'll just go." Precious being Sou said as he and Eve left the chaos behind them

Sakata entered the chat and sat down with Dog boy Luz

"Hey bro wassup." Sakata said
"nothing much. Nqrse and Urata-San are fighting tho"
"Oh cool. Wanna start one too?"
"Why not?"

The idiot and dog started arguing about Kirby ?

Later told man Kashitaro entered the room and he instantly walked back out.

"Kashi-Saaaaan ! NooOoOOO!" Amatsuki whined, dropping his Nerf gun as he cried for fox dude to cpme back

Suddenly the door burst open revealing the Holy lord and savior Zhongli.

"I will have order" he said, killing everyone including himself in the room

The end

What the actual what

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