Utaites as Vines Pt.14 (+Hiatus Note)

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Yuh back again with crack

Soraru: So how's your life?
Senra: Pretty good. And yours?
Soraru: Same.
Senra: We're both lying right?
Soraru: Yep.

Luz: I watched Naruse-San drop his iced coffee on the stairs and the only thing he said was "I'm so sick of being alive.".

Senra: Have a nice night asshole.
Shima: You too princess.

Sou, picking off flower petals: He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not.
Eve rushing with more flowers: WHO TOLD YOU THAT?!

Sakata: I've never seen snow before, someone describe it to me.
Shima: It smells like water.
Sakata: Its like I'm already there!

Sakata: Urata-San! Why are you crying?
Urata cooking: It's just the onions.
Sakata to the onions: What did you say to Urata-San?!

My none Utaite friends: How do you know you ship them?
Me with EveSou: Every time I see them, a gurgling sound comes out of my mouth and it sounds like a dying bear.

Urata: Welcome to bad McDonald's, how can we hurt you today?
Soraru: One cup of salt and a spoon please.

Nqrse: Fly me to the moon, let me kick it's fucking ass, let me show it what I learned, in my moon jujitsu class.
A few minutes later
Nqrse: Oh that blew up, wish the moon did though.

Eve: How long does your ideal hug last?
Sou: 38-45 minutes.
Eve: That's really impractical.
Sou: You said ideal not realistic!
Sou proceeds to hug Eve for his realistic amount of time.
Hint its about an hour or two

Wolpis: Omfg why did I try weed bro, I feel like A DVD player now.
Isukubro: That's literally the funniest shit I've ever heard, excuse me while I go laugh.

Shima: Why do I have to be the gay one?!
Senra: Maashi, we are literally dating.

Howdy everyone!
Back again with Utaites as Vines!
Like the title says, there is also a Hiatus note, so here it is.

I won't be active for a while, but its isn't like a very long while! Probably around 3-5 days? Not even a week basically! My family and I are going on vacation somewhere else, so I won't be as active during that time.

I'm sorry if I couldn't get through your requests, but I promise when I come back I'll try doing it or if there is Wi-Fi at the hotel I might as well do it there!

Have a picture of Wonderland AU EveSou! They made a heart for you!

That's all for now, so I'll see you again soon!

-Ramen Out! 💫

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