CH 8

456 29 16

*Another request to update this one earlier than the supposed time - thank goodness I'm not busy today😅*

"Thanks" the short girl smiled happily as she step out from the car. Siyeon drop Sua off front of their house after having a breakfast outside. Before she leave, she said to her wife ,"Just call me later".

Sua nodded and went into the house. She saw Heechul sitting alone in the living room while laughing out loud watching a tv show.

"I'm home" she greeted.

"Hi...," the guy respond and continue watching the show without even look at Sua.

Sua didn't want to bother him, so she went upstairs and locked herself in her room.

"Sua-ya..?!" the short girl flinched a bit as she heard someone shouting calling her name. She opened the door and tilting her head to look at downstairs where the voice came from.

"Can I use the karaoke? I feel like I want to sing right now" he asked a permission, raising his voice.

"Yeah, go on!" Sua also raised her voice, before closed the door back.

She wanted to get close to Siyeon's cousin but she don't know how. She jumped on her bed and play with her phone.


Siyeon just arrived at the college and walked in near the entrance door. Suddenly, someone called her name from her back.

When she turn around, she saw Handong waving her hand towards her.

"Hey..?" she greeted the Chinese girl awkwardly.

From a wide smiley face turned to a very psycho one on Handong face, deeply glared at the blonde haired girl.

"Who's the girl that took the phone from you last night?" she sternly asked.

Siyeon eyes widen, forgot that the girl didn't know about Sua living with her and forgot that Handong didn't even know that she's already married.

"Err.., s-she's my c-cousin" she stutterly reply.

"Don't play a shit with me, Siyeon! I knew you don't have any female cousin" Handong stared with a deathly looking eyes.

"She's a family of mine, she's staying for a few weeks before back to her hometown" said the blonde haired girl with a lied.

"Bring me to her then, I want to meet her since we don't have any classes today"  Handong said, linking arms with Siyeon's.

"We don't have class but I do have some project with my group and I really busy. Sorry for that" Siyeon replied after slowly pushed away Handong's arms on her.

"Oh yeah! About your project, can I participate?" the Chinese girl again linking her arms around Siyeon, not letting Siyeon go easily.

"S-sure why not" the blonde haired girl already felt uncomfortable with Handong.

"Just send your name to Dami, she was the one who manage that part. But for now, I really need to go. I'm so busy, okay. See you later" Siyeon pulled her hands from Handong and leave the girl right after.

"Jeez..!" Handong furrowed.

"Just wait, Siyeon! I'll make you mine as soon as possible!" she stated, clenching her fist near her chest.


"Hey guys! sorry I'm late" Siyeon greeting her friends.

"Uh! You two also here?" she asked, pointing at Yoohyeon and Gahyeon.

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