CH 22

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Jeongyeon taking off her glasses and put it on the desk before locking eyes with Sean, while grinning.

"So, you wanna say that he already out there?" Jeongyeon firmly ask, gathered her grip together and rest her chin on it.

Sean nod his head once, trying to avoid the girl's gaze.
Jeongyeon took a deep breath as she wear back her glasses on.

"How was his last condition in here?" again she ask, crossing her arms.

"Pretty bad. We treated him like how you asked me to. He scared and cried a lot" Sean chuckled.

Jeongyeon lowered her head down, while busy tapping her index finger on the desk.

"Okay then, your job is done now. I'll wire the money to your wife's account later. Thanks for your cooperation, Sean" she stood up before bow her head once and leave the room.

After the short meeting with Sean, she went to meet Ae Ra for an information about Seungyeon's daily life and hoping that she'll get a better answer than the previous one.

Soon after she arrived, she was told to wait in the room while the they called for Ae Ra to come.

Not long after that, Ae Ra came in while grinning with her psycho face.

"She's not that much change right now, but she listened to me very well..., hmm what else?-" she said right after she came in not even wait for Jeongyeon to ask her the question first as she sat down while eyes up, trying to remember something.

"She always in time, she knew very well where the place we should meet and....hmmm., she always massage me, not gonna lie but she has a great hands" she added.

Jeongyeon sigh, "As long as she still in here, that's will enough for me".

"Is that all?" Ae Ra ask, rose her right eyebrow.

"Yes! thanks for today, I'll come again next week for a new interesting news" Jeongyeon reply after fixing her glasses.

"Everything for you honey" Ae Ra smirks and wink at the girl.

Jeongyeon then took a leave as she making a phone call to Momo.

"Want me to talk through the call or we meet up?" she asked after getting into her car.

"Let's meet up, I'll wait for you in the office" the girl reply.

"Okay! See you few minutes later" she off the phone call and start the engine before drove her car away.

After half an hour later, she arrived at the   place that offers various car rental services. She directly went in and enter her office which then she saw Momo already there sitting on the couch while sipping some hot coffee.

"Wonho already released" she said right after she land her butts on the couch in front of Momo.

"That's so quick" Momo reply with a serious tone.

"I bet he has someone behind him" the glasses girl reply.

"No wonder.., he's a son of a well-known businessman after all. I knew he will released one day. What else?" Momo smirk and again sipping some hot coffee before slowly change her gaze towards Jeongyeon.

"Seungyeon still in the prison and was treated like how our tradition works" the girl reply, sighing.

"But she got someone who can look after her, while Wonho...-" Momo grinned.

"I..- I will keep an eyes on him" Jeongyeon reply, fixing her tie.

With that, Momo smiled widely while putting her cup back on the table. "Of course you should watch him and tell me everything what he's been doing for a day without you getting caught".

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