CH 16

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"Please take this guy out of my sight now before I do something even worse than you can" Sua sternly said, clenching her fist while looking down to her wife.

She took a few deep breathe and eyes up on the ceiling trying not to cry again before she hold her wife.

Heechul nodded, "Please help Siyeon to dress up. Before we get her to the hospital".

He grabbed the muscular guy up to stand up but then he drop him back to the floor as he was shocked at his private part.

"Disgusting!" he scoffed while he took the guy pants and just cover it on his bare skin.

"I do really want to kill this guy after what he done to my wolfie. But, we need to know the truth first and police is the best figure to handle this" he added, again picking up the guy and went out the room which make the other girls gasped and shouting.

"What the f-" Dami falls to her knees.

"So, it's true what Handong had said to me? I-..I thought she just... she-" Gahyeon  walk closer to her girlfriend and patted her back.

"It's okay, babe. We already save her" the younger girl said cupping Dami's cheeks.

"It's not okay if he already look like that. Can't you see him half naked? Can't you hear Sua's sudden shout? It must be even worse. I messed it up. I didn't trust Handong and...- and we already late. If only-.. if only I trust her" said the boyish looking girl when a tears falling from her eyes.

"I know! I saw him, I heard Sua's screaming, it's because I am not blind and I'm not deaf. But babe, it's not your fault. You're not the one who came in to this house and make the worse things towards Siyeon. You just received a phone call from a girl which is none of us in here do trust her words too." Gahyeon calmly said.

She sighed and continue her speech, "Don't blame yourself, babe. Blame it on me cuz' I broke your phone when you still talking with that girl".

"Oppa., how about Siyeon?" Jiu ask, while helping Heechul pulling Wonho's body down to the living room.

"She's..-" Heechul stopped and sigh.

"I hope she's fine. But, we just need to wait for Sua to handle the things up there and for the police to get this fucking guy" he explained before slap on the guy's face.

"Wait a minute!" Jiu halts.

"I knew him! He's one of the hot guy in our college!" She gasped, pointing at Wonho.

"H-how did he know Siyeon's new address when we, her own closed friends didn't know about it yet" said the older girl, furrowed.

"Damn fucking stalker!" Dami firmly stated, walking closer to Wonho and gave him a strong kick on his butts.

Yoohyeon and Gahyeon immediately stop the boyish looking girl as they don't want any bad things happen after that.

"Why his butts after all?" Gahyeon whispered to her girlfriend.

Dami glared on the body while gritted her teeth.

"He likes Siyeon a years ago, but Siyeon rejected him and after that we saw him totally changed" Jiu stated.

"I thought he was a kind guy. I'm almost fall in love with him" Gahyeon whispered.

"I thought you were lesbian" Yoohyeon curiously ask.

"I am bisexual. But now I am a proud one cuz' I have my perfect girl here" the younger girl reply, hugging her girlfriend tight.

"Oppa, please let me kick or punch this guy for once to let my anger out" she ask looking at Heechul.

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