CH 29

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Next morning, Heechul and his wife were getting ready to visit his cousin in hospital as he didn't make it yesterday. "Are you done, honey?" he ask his wife. "Just wait me in the car, I'll be there soon" Momo reply while putting some eyeliner.

Heechul nod his head and did what his wife told him. He took his car key and left first.

Not long after that, Momo get into the car as soon as she wore her sneakers. "Breakfast first?" she asked, pulling a seat belt and look at her husband who now turn on the engine.

"Yeah sure! And I want to buy some fruits after we breakfast later" Heechul reply.

"Jeongyeon said that she will join us breakfast too, will that okay?"

Heechul nod his head several time with a little smile. "That will be good, 'cuz there's something I want to ask her" he said before drive the car away. Momo only reply with a smile and looking on her phone to send a  text for Jeongyeon about the place that they will go for breakfast.

Once she done, she put down her phone and focus on her front before sighing. "We already settle everything yesterday and maybe Siyeon will be visited by the police too later" she said.

"Y...-you didn't kill him, don't you?" he asked a little bit shaking on his words. Momo shook her head, "I own a family now, I don't want to make my hands dirty for a guy like him" she reply with a weak tone, knowing whats played on Heechul thought about what happened yesterday.

"So, you sent him to the police station?"

Momo humming to answer him.

Heechul put a wide smile as he satisfied with her action on handling the problem which is related to his cousin.

"Thank you, honey"

Soon after they arrived at the restaurant that they pick, they saw Jeongyeon and Ae Ra already waiting for them while sipping their drink.

They greet each other before took a seat and start to order their foods too.

"Hmmm.., Jeongyeon-ssi. About that day, how did you know about the incident? Did someone tell you?" Heechul hesitate to ask.

"Y-yeah, I suddenly got a phone call and we both immediately went there" Jeongyeon reply.



Heechul creased his eyebrows as he didn't know that the both are also close.

"You knew her?" he asked.

Jeongyeon hesitate to answer at first but then she manage to reply, "Let's wait till she's the one who tells everything later" Jeongyeon stated not in a mood to spoil everything.

Heechul rose his eyebrows and nod to agree with Jeongyeon's statement although he didn't at all.

As time past, and they'd done breakfast and also bought a basket of fruits, they went to the hospital with Jeongyeon and Ae Ra who's following them at the back.

He then park the car at one empty space in parking lot, followed by Jeongyeon who also park her car next to him. They get off and together entering the hospital while linking arms with each partner's.

When they're about to take a lift, they found Gahyeon and Dami in it and happily greeted each other but Dami automatically change her face reaction when she and Jeongyeon eyes met.

Heechul press the button to close the door and they went up to the floor they want together.

"By the way, it is nice to meet you, I'm Gahyeon" Gahyeon hold her right hand waiting for Ae Ra to respond.

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