CH 25

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"Where have you'd been, honey?" Heechul ask as he saw his wife enter the office while he playing with his phone.

"Since when you're here?" she asking back.

"After having a lunch in Siyeon's house" he reply, standing up and leaning for a hug.

"I have an important job to do earlier with Jeongyeon. So I left for a while" Momo reply hugging her husband back.

"Job? What kind of job?" he ask, frowning.

"Eliminate a useless shit" Momo said with a cold tone whilst eyes on her desk.

Heechul turn his body to his wife, cupping her cheeks muted for a moment. "You said you won't kill them and just let them suffered in a prison..-" Heechul look down and sigh, "I won't ask further more as long as you're safe but promise me that you have to inform me first, okay dear?" he ask.

Momo smile and nod her head twice before lean forward pecking her husband's lips.

"There's nothing to afraid for now honey. Everything went well as plan" she said in between a kiss.


A lonely young woman stared blankly on the wall, biting her nail, hugging herself as if the place was cold enough to make her shivering.

Her eyes went up to the bar of the window and back to her front wall again and again. Thinking so deeply on her decision wether to do it now or later.

As she still biting her nail while looking at her front wall and window, someone suddenly bang on her door. She flinch a little bit as she now look at the small hole on the door. Noticing a woman asking her to get out of the room.

"Its time!" the woman whispered, opening the metal door.

That young woman nod with a teary eyes, slowly stood up and walk forward, following the woman at her back.

After few steps she took, she walked in to the storage room where theres about four other women already waiting for her.

"Know your job?" the leader ask.

A shaking young woman nod her head as she slowly kneel down in front of them when the leader wrap her right hand with a towel.

Without an alarm, she punch the young woman's stomach which received a strong cough from her.

"Today I have a good day so maybe one punch is enough, right?" Ae Ra ask, squating down making her face close with Seungyeon who's holding her pain in.

"But my girls aren't got their good day, so I give you to them for now" she continue, wiping Seungyeon's lips before stood up. "One minute for each" she said and sat on the chair looking at the other women punching Seungyeon and kick her back.

She bite her thumb nail, while glaring on Seungyeon who didn't even ask or begging them to stop. "One minute is over now" she shout to her followers.

"You're getting better now, kid. So excellent for today, you may leave or want to continue? Hmmm... - nah I can't hurt you more for today" Ae Ra said and pulled Seungyeon's colar up to make her stand. The cop that bring her there now open the storage room and bring Seungyeon back to her own cell.

As she got into her cell, she wait for the cop leave first and wait till no one at the outside of the room. She undressed herself and saw a big bruises around her front and back. She then saw her face on the mirror, "Too different with the person I used to be". She sighed and flinched at every move she did.

She saw her clothes in her hand and again to the bar on window. Feeling so willing to do it for now for real as she slowly walk near the window and hang her clothes.

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