CH 20

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"Shall we?" Siyeon ask while tilting her head.
Sua nodding as they walk to where their car were parked.

Siyeon immediately took the driver seat and open the door for Sua from the inside.

They spent their day with watching a movie, walking on the seaside, went to the orange farm, flowers park, and more of a tourist favorite spots.

The two enjoyed their time together as they admitted that the day was very healing moment.


Heechul accompanied her girlfriend to meet her ex-husband's personal assistant as what they had been agreed before.

They met in Heechul mother's restaurant.
As the two came in to it, they saw a woman waving her hand signalling them about her.

Heechul move closer to Momo and whispered something towards her, "You said, your ex-husband right-man but why we're meeting a woman?".

Momo shook her head rolling her eyes. "Does it matter? She's his P.A, she knows damn well everything about him".

"Oh! you right" Heechul back muting himself as they walked near the P.A.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Jeongyeon, her once bodyguard and her ex-husband former P.A" the girl smiled, asking for a shake hands with Heechul after giving a warm hug with Momo.

"Hi, I'm Heechul. Her-.., her future husband" Heechul reply stuttered.

"Have a seat please and start our topic right away" Momo sternly stated, which Jeongyeon hummed and back to her serious mode.

"Shouldn't we order something first?" the guy whispered to her girlfriend. Momo glared at her boyfriend with a deathly looking eyes, making him gulped and closed his mouth.

"There's two person I wanted you to send my regards in the prison. Will that easy for you?" Momo ask, locking eyes with Jeongyeon who trying to fix her glasses.

"A prison?-" Jeongyeon chuckled, "Theres a lot of our men staying in. I can simply ask them doing something right there. Just tell me, I'll make sure to send it to them properly" she continued.

Momo smirks as she move closer, "Find a guy named Wonho, and a girl named Seungyeon. But, don't kill them, cuz' I just want you to tell our men there to make them suffered day by day. And don't make it look so obvious".

"You look so different now girl" the glasses girl grinned.

"Thanks to my ex-husband, he taught me very well"

Again, Heechul gulping while looking around him try to avoid the two's smirking at each other.

"May I know who are they? and why you wanted them to be suffered?" Jeongyeon asked as she took of her glasses and wipe on it.

"They did something bad to my future niece"

Jeongyeon wore her glasses back with a hummed not wanting to know more about it. "Will inform you the news soon-" she stood up and turn her gaze to Heechul, "again sir, it's nice to meet you and please enjoy your lunch"

Jeongyeon left the two to start her mission right after what Momo has told her what to do.

She drove her car to the mentioned prison and asking a permission to meet up with one of their best fighter, named Sean, a muscular guy with tattoo all over his arms, back and front, a very well-known prisoner and the one who will handle Wonho.

She told him every single details to what he can do and don't. As a reward, Sean's family will receive a sum of cash if he did the mission very well.

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