CH 26

305 22 12

End of the month is coming, and there Jiu and Yoohyeon standing wearing a fully white dress, greeting every guests they have before went to their friends table.

"That so sad cuz' oppa Heechul aren't here" Jiu pouting.

"Well, he does sent you a gift tho. No need to act like that when you're the one who decided to get married after he left this country" Siyeon laugh with her own words.

"That laugh was so mean" Jiu chuckled.

"Where's the gift tho? I want to see it" Yoohyeon excitedly ask, linking arms with her wife.

"Stop doing that Yoohyeon! You're someone's wife now, so act like one" Gahyeon scolded her.

"What do you mean, Gahyeon?" Yoohyeon tilting her head while looking at her friend clueless.

"Stop acting like a kid, you're older than me, plus you're a married woman now. I'm the one who should act like that but I didn't and I won't, cuz' I don't want you to feel jealous" Gahyeon explained, pointing her finger on Yoohyeon when the others holding their laugh in.

"Come on, Gahyeon-ah! I won't jealous at you..-" Yoohyeon chuckled as she lean forward near to her bestfriend and whispered to her, "I won't change dear. We..- we both will always be a kids!".

Gahyeon grinning as she listen to her friend's words.

"Prove it to me when you two on your honeymoon. I wanna see it by myself wether you're a woman or still a kid in front of your wife" the younger girl smirking once she'd done whispering.

"Geez kid! What's on your thought?! Dami-ya, what are you done to my little girl?" Yoohyeon ask Dami about her younger friend.

Dami shrugged her shoulders, "What? I don't know what you two are talking about.

"It's for a mature people, baby. Don't get involved" Gahyeon warn her girlfriend.

"There she go again" Sua chuckled looking at Gahyeon.

"Let her be, foxy. Come here to me, I'm so bored without you beside me" Dami call the younger girl.

"Wait a minute babe, I have not finish telling her the tips on first night" Gahyeon whispere-yelled and Yoohyeon quickly close the younger girl's mouth with her palm although it is too late now.

"You shouldn't teach her, I'm sure they will be doing good" Dami chuckled.

Siyeon bitterly smile as she quietly leave the group to the veranda. Sua noticed her wife went missing and started to looking at her around the place.

Once she done searching around the area, she went to the toilet before back to the hall again. She don't want to messed the happy day of her friends, so she calmed herself and search her wife quietly.

After a little while, she finally saw her wife standing alone at the outside of the veranda. She finally heave out a grateful sigh while face palming.

She walked to her wife and gave her a back hug. "Hey, what are you doing here?" she ask, kissing Siyeon's neck.

"N-nothing mini bird. I..- I just want a fresh air" Siyeon reply, holding her wife's arm.

"No, you lie. Tell me the real reason please dear" Sua begging and went to Siyeon side.

"I really want to take some fresh air" the blonde haired girl reply but avoid Sua's eyes.

Sua knew that there's something between her wife's sudden reaction. "Guessed you don't want to tell me the truth then. I won't ask you, won't force you to talk to me too" she sighed, turning her body to the view front of them.

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