The Empty Harvest / Part 1

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Antony was looking at the sheet of paper where his notes were supposed to be. Instead were little scribbles.

He couldn't concentrate on his lesson, his partner's words echoed in his head. He couldn't forget this discussion.

As superheroes we must not lie to the public, that’s basic respect. I can't handle insincerity, people don’t need to be babysitted, just because of your own fears.

He felt that these words weren't meant entirely for him, but they still hurted.

While he was doodling a little cat on his sheet, someone came and sat to his right. He looked up, recognizing the famous German student so many people were talking about.

Antony: Hey, Alex how are you doing? Didn't see you since "you know what".

Alex: I had such a crazy week. Did you see the video ? A lot of people think I faked it, but I swear it was real ! Even I had trouble believing my eyes when it happened.

Antony: Oh, I know, don't worry.

Alex: What do you mean "you know" ?

Antony:… I- I know you wouldn't lie, of course.

He let his head fall against the table.

Antony: People who lie are terriiiible…

Alex: Ouch, are you okay ? You seem like you had a rough week too...

Regaining his composure, he looked up at them.

Antony: I'm okay, don't worry. I hope no one has been bothering you because of that video.

Alex: Well at first yes... But since Mr. Bug and Lucky Cat appeared on the Augustus show, yesterday, things have been calmer. 

Antony let out a smile, reassured to know that his action had good consequences. At least his friend didn't have any more trouble with the pessimistic people of the college.

Alex: Did you hear them ? They sound so cool, that's crazy to think people like that exist.

The young man's mind was somewhere else, listening with one ear. Suddenly, the alarm of the school went off.

All the students looked at each other, in confusion. The professor himself looked surprised.

Shortly after, a message was heard over the speakers.

" Dear students, please excuse the interruption of your lessons. We have been ordered by the local police to confine. The reasons are not yet clear. Please close the windows, leave your rooms and meet in the hallways, in calm please. "


Tinea hurried to the bathroom, he knew what he had to do. But on the way he encountered an obstacle, this black-haired student.

Both grabbed the doorknob at the same time.

Their eyes met.

Antony:… Sorry, this is really urgent.

Tinea: Is it, tho?

Antony: Yes.

Tinea: There is plenty of room inside so we could go both together.

Antony: T-trust me, you don't wanna hear what I need to let out.

Tinea: This is so funny, if it wasn’t the end of the world, I'd be laughing.

Tinea let go of the handle, leaving the other young man to his obvious urgency.

Tinea: Anyway, I used to use that one.

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