Lovesick Ghost / Part 2

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The two began to run, reflexively, in the direction of the sound.

Antony: Why are you going here it could be dangerous-

Tinea's gaze said it all..

Tinea: Who has a police dog between me and you ?

Antony: Fair enough, good point, excellent observation.

Tinea: Shut up I'm not good at talking and running at the same time.

They both arrived, dodging people fleeing the scene. Seeing their enemies, Tinea couldn't help starting to make little hops.

Tinea: OhMyGod ! Oh my God ! Dinosaurs !

It was technically not wrong, but you couldn't really say they were dinosaurs but rather three new infected animals that looked like familiar chickens.

Just bigger and with more teeth than usual chickens.

Tinea: This is so cool !! I WANT ONE !!

Antony: It's absolutely terrifying.

Tinea: Two rooms, two moods.

Tinea's dog was already growling at the beasts, ready to get into some harsh playing. The pseudo dinosaurs seemed really aggressive, more aggressive than anything they ever encountered.

The young man unhooked Lucky's leash, seeing that one of the beasts started to catch up with a young woman who was trying to run away.

Man's best friend came to the rescue, as fast as lightning he threw himself at the beast's throat. Tinea followed close behind, not wanting to sacrifice his beloved pet, their job was mostly to allow the woman to leave safely.

Unfortunately Antony couldn't be so heroic, he quickly wandered down an alley, calling Tikki to help.

Taking advantage of the general chaos to become Mr. Bug.


Tinea was trying to get his dog out of there, he wouldn't let go of the struggling big chicken.

A well-known yoyo wrapped around the beast's muzzle, preventing it from biting the dog and pulling it back.

Mr. Bug hopped onto the monster's back, trying to be a minimum credible before heading out for the rodeo.


Tinea: Are you sure about that?

The young man was able to admire the scene, seeing him being projected against a wall. He grabbed his dog, putting him to safety in a small alley by tying him up.

Tinea: Be a good dog, Claws out !

He returned to the battlefield, settling down on a car hood, across from his partner who was trying to get over the brunt of the wall.

Tinea: Aww, having trouble here Buggy ?

Antony: You're late.

Tinea: Sorry, will do better next time, Sir.

Mr. Bug got up, preparing to look around for a solution, but looking at the beasts he saw a very strange scene.

Someone was standing there, stretching their arms forward to the three huge chickens circling them. Recalling a scene from a well-known movie.

The person did not look like a civilian, with their long black fur coat adorned with purple stitching, having a mask in front of their face.

The two superheroes looked at them curiously.

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