Broken System

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" Why are you putting your chair so low? "

Valentin used his well-known soft voice, raising one eyebrow and leaning on the edge of the desk.

His tone was a little mocking, watching his colleague sitting in front of their common computer.

Tinea looked up quickly, looking falsely offended, frowning with a smirk.

Tinea: You're the one who always makes it higher ! How do you not break your back on this ?

Valentin: I'm just taller.

Tinea: I'm just better.

He was looking at him from below, the desk way too high for him to look credible.

Valentin: You look kinda ...

Cute ?

The other young man stuck his legs under the desk, lightly bumping his knee in protest.

Tinea: Go work, help that old lady who doesn't want to listen to me, she will listen to a more christian guy like you.

Valentin let out a laugh that was both amazed and shocked.

Valentin: I'm not even christian, what the-

Tinea: I wanted to say you looked less gay than me, but it felt a little too harsh. You know, most old ladies never like me, they want a cute short-haired boy who will make them feel courtable again.

Valentin: What is this theory founded on ?

Tinea: Personal experience, and I'm always right.

Valentin: Are you.

The question wasn't really a question, more like a joke pending. He turned to one of the reception desk computers where an old lady was punching the screen.

Valentin: Ouch...

Tinea: Told you.

Valentin:... If I help her, will you accept a challenge ?

Tinea: You know I never turn down an opportunity to win.

Valentin: I know.

The young man approached the lady, starting to slowly but surely convince her to calm down.

Tinea took his eyes off him, taking out of his pocket the three seeds he had collected while feeding the chickens with Calie.

He had kept them in a small piece of aluminum, they were still as corrosive on contact with the skin.

His heterochromic gaze surveyed them, as if something was going to come out of them.

But nothing happened.

Disappointed, his eyes rolled up to meet his colleague's gaze.

Tinea: Y-you already finished-

Valentin: I did, that was pretty easy. She just wanted to print a paper.

Tinea huffed, annoyed.

Tinea: She couldn't even tell me this...

Valentin: They can be quite difficult sometimes-

Valentin looked down at the table, casually. His expression changed completely upon seeing the seeds, his gaze grew darker and his voice deeper.

Valentin: Where did you get this?

His colleague did not pay much attention to this change, taking it for mere curiosity.

Tinea: Ah, those ? Found them in my daughter's chicken's food, yeah long story short. They're kinda weird.

Silence settled, Valentin had his eyes fixed on the seeds.

Tinea:... Don't touch them, it stings-

He had mumbled quickly, to make sure there was no accident given the attention his colleague was paying to them.

The other young man looked up at him, again meeting his gaze struggling to hide his expression that did not escape his colleague's attention this time.

Valentin: Do they?

He quickly noticed the involuntary movement Tinea made, whispering a small "yes" closing his hand lightly.

Without shouting guard, Val ' grabbed it, watching his palm and forcing his colleague to lean forward a bit.

Tinea: W-hat are you-

His fingers delicately caressed the contours of the scorch the seeds had left on Tinea's skin.

His gaze again froze there with a touch of regret.

Valentin: It's ... Unfortunate ...

He leaned forward, placing a delicate kiss in the palm of his hand.

Tinea's face turned red in an instant, his eyes widening and mouth opening slightly.

He felt all part of his body almost exploding at the same time, not being able to think straight.

Valentine let go of his hand, stepping out of the office signaling that he needed a break as he left.

Tinea was frozen in place, his hand pressed against his chest, held by the other as if it was going to run away. All the air in his lungs suddenly drained, letting out a little screech of general panic.

Tinea: What-the-fuck-What-the-fuck-

The young man grabbed his phone, furiously tapping on all the keys to tell absolutely all of his friends what had just happened to him.

Still dreaming about the way his soft lips felt on his skin.

He was too busy being gay to notice the seeds were gone.

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