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The young man pushed open the door, entering the public establishment.

Antony had never looked for work, it was the first time that he ever set foot in this institution that was "Pôle Emploi". This place was run by the state, it allowed people to orient themselves to find work more easily.

But many other aspects of everyday life could be managed there, all of which was linked to the world of work that he knew so little about.

He walked towards the reception where a young woman with long brown hair greeted him.

He tried to clumsily explain his situation to her, hoping she could help him.

She was very sorry for him, regarding the situation with their father. The young woman knew that some things had no such easy solution.

Antony's solution was what suited him best, he wouldn't have the courage to call his father to court anyway.

"Since you have all your mornings free, you can try to find a part-time job. That will give you a fair enough extra income on top of your scholarship… Um, I'll send someone to help you sign up and show you how to check offers and all of that… "

Her head turned to the right, toward a desk in the back.

" Tinea ! "


The dark-haired young man had barely arrived at work, 5 minutes ago. He looked at his colleague, Val '.

Tinea: Who is crazy enough to come this early?

Valentin: Good luck, soldier.

Tinea: One day I will die in battle.

Valentin: I will warn your wife and your children.

Tinea: What a gentleman.

He rose from his chair with a little annoyance, approaching the reception.

While his colleague was explaining the situation to him, his gaze fell on the young man in front.

He stared at him for a few seconds.

"… Are you going to-"

Tinea:… Antony ! That's it, I found the name. I have a memory, watch me not forgetting names.

Antony gave him a small wave to let him know that he was proud that he remembered his name.

Tinea: Follow me.

He walked past the counter, leading him to the computer.


Antony: I didn't know you were working here.

Tinea: Yeah, I talk more about random shit than what I do in life.

The young man shook the mouse to wake the computer from sleep mode.

Antony:… Are your injuries better?

Tinea: They're healing, the scars look cool i think. Okay take the mouse now, i'm not going to do everything for you, lazy boy.

Antony: R-right.

They exchanged places. Antony completed the questionnaire on the screen.

Antony: So… Work in the morning and school after?

Tinea: Yeah.

Antony: Is it tiring?

Tinea: You want to do the same right ? It can be tiring from time to time, like all jobs. But it's rather peaceful here, I'm lucky.

Antony: Do you have free time, between homework, work and lessons?

The young man stared blankly at the screen, thinking how much he never did his homework.

Tinea:… Kinda.

Antony entered his name, first name, date of birth …

.Tinea: You're going to have to do your lives in the evening.

Silence passed.

Antony:… Are you watching my lives?

Tinea: What? No. Pffrt- Me? No. What? No it's- no.

A small smile spread across Antony's face.

Antony: Interesting.

Tinea: Shut up.

Silence settled again.

Antony:… What do you like in them?

Tinea: I don't watch your stupid streams, that's… my little bro-

Antony: I thought you had a big brother that you despised ?

Tinea: How can you remember that ?

Antony: I remember everything you said.

Tinea: Sound kinky.

Antony: Maybe it was ~

Tinea: Please no, don't tell me I started being kinky.

They both started laughing, imagining what a drunk kinky Tinea would be like. Probably a disaster, as he always is.

After one long hour of completing long long lists of virtual papers, they were finally done.
Tinea showed him everything he needed to find a little job as fast as possible.

Antony: Well, thank you for everything.

Tinea: That's my job, thank you for keeping me from sleeping at work.

Antony: I hope my future job will be like that.

Tinea: You all do.

Antony: See you this afternoon?

Tinea: See ya '.

Antony left, happy to have finally finished this perilous administrative work.

Tinea returned to his desk, all smiling from his meeting that day. But he was greeted by the somewhat cold look of his colleague Valentin.

Valentin:… How do you know this guy ?

Tinea: School.

The young man organized the papers in his office by reflex.

Valentin looked away, obviously more annoyed than he should be.

Valentin: Glad you two are going along well…

Tinea: I know right ?

Valentin: Why do you never get anything?

Tinea: I'm stupid, you know.

He left to go to the toilets.

Valentin watched him go down the hall, mumbling to himself. His eyes turned to the front door Antony had used to exit.

Valentin: You will not take him away from me.

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