~ch24~ Door heavy? Door break.

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Kurapika's POV

I walked up to y/n, both stunned and genuinely confused.

"What just happened?" I asked in disbelief.

She took a deep breath, exhaled, then tilted her head upwards and curled her lips.

"Iiiiiiiii got chased and saved my own ass. Simple!" She said as she giggled and stuck out her tongue.

Yeah but.. How did she know that opening the gate would save her? Judging by those screams, I'm sure the two of them are very much dead by now. Has she been here before?

I shook the thought off of my mind. We're here because of Killua, I can't be getting distracted about this now!

Y/n's POV

"Ah, I'm sorry. He's supposed to eat at assigned times." The old man said.

He quickly turned to face the door and called out to the beast behind it.

"Mike! Don't blame me if you get fat." He chuckled before turning his attention to us. "So what brings you all here?"


"I see. So you're young Killua's friends. I'm happy to hear that. I've worked here for twenty years, but this is the first time that any friends have come to visit." He pulled out 5 cups in total, one for all of us including him, filling each with fresh, hot tea.

Oooooooh TEA! I was completely losing focus over his every word, yet instead concentrating on the drink right in front of me.

"Since I work here, I really shouldn't be saying this, but this place is rather lonely. No one ever visits. Though we do see a lot of those." He directed our attention to the aluminum can in the back, filled with skeletons.

"Well, a family of assassins is pretty unusual, so I suppose it's the price that they have to pay. Anyway, I'm glad that you're here. Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Leorio waved his hand bashfully.

Talk about sucking up. I scoffed. I'M KIDDING LEORIO I LOVE YOU.

"However, I can't let you go inside. Didn't you see the size of the creature's hand just now? It's name is Mike. It's the family's watchdog. It only obeys the family and attacks everyone else. The beast still follows the orders its master gave 10 years ago. To kill every single intruder."

"It doesn't matter how big he is, or how scary he may be. We're getting inside no matter what the cost is. To us, Killua is worth much more than losing an arm or a leg, so I'm sorry but, we're not going home until we see Killua." I proudly interrupted.

I mean, hey, it was the truth, and ever since I got here, I've been thinking about all of them as more than just drawings displayed on a screen. They're my real friends now.

"My, my." The old man said. "You are full of surprises aren't you, miss?"

There it is. The creepy fucking line. "Miss?" What's up with that? Why does he keep saying that as if he's met me before. As if he knows me...

"Y/n's right! We aren't going anywhere, although the 'loosing' arm or leg part would be a bit exaggerated." Leorio nervously laughed.

"That's correct. Saving Killua is much more precious than our life!" Kurapika said.

"I'd break every bone in my body, and I'd still help Killua!" Gon said.

"Hey, uh, guys. I thought we were kidding about the whole getting hurt thing." Leorio started sweating furiously and shaking from the thought of it.

"It seems like you all wont be giving up anytime soon. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

"So we can go?" Gon asked happily.

"Well, not necessarily. To enter, you must get passed those heavy doors. Once you can do that, it only gets harder from there."

"Our only concern for right now, is getting those doors opened. We'll figure out the rest later, but how do we get through it?" Kurapika asked.

"By pushing it open of course. Each door weighs tons. There's no way just the three of you can open it up in the condition you're in."

"Three? But there is four of us." Leorio questioned.

"I said three because the young lady will sit back with me. She will take no part in this."

I wont? But I want a chance to help my friends too! Plus 4 is way more easier than 3!

"Shouldn't I decide for myself if I help or not?" I got up, anger boiling inside of me.

"You can't. You'll break the door open. You'll break it, but your body won't be stable, there's a chance you could suffer a great injury. After all, your body isn't quite used to this atmosphere yet. Or rather, this world."











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