~ch9~ Time limit

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(Still Kurapika POV)

Killua and I were still at it, fighting for the phone. How am I going to get the video? Maybe if I.. That's it! I stopped reaching for the phone and watched Killua pull his hand back. 

"To tired to get it?"

"Something like that. Well, I surrender. You're just too good for me." I raised both my hands up basically asking for mercy. 

"That's what I thought. I'm way advanced for you." 

While he was busy gloating for his victory, I was waiting for the perfect moment to grab the phone. I glanced at his phone in his right hand and back at his face. He finally closed his eyes to blink and I took the chance to lunge in and snatch it right from his grip. When I had moved forward and reached, there was a cloud of dust. What? I was sure he was right in front of me.

"Not so fast."

I turned around. 

"Did you think I didn't notice you looking at the phone? It was so obvious, I mean you were staring so hard that you practically could've burned a hole through it."

"Dammit, and I thought I was sneaky. Well I surrender for real this time."

I'm kind of disappointed that it didn't work out, but more relieved that I didn't have to spend anymore time chasing after it.

"I won't show her."

"You.. won't?"

"No, not for now at least. You aren't ready to tell her yet and I respect that."

Is Killua being.. nice?

"Going a little soft now are you? I didn't know you were the sympathetic type."

"Keep that up and she'll see the video sooner than I recorded it."

He pulled up the video and threatened me, waving it in my face. Never mind. He's the same as always. I then admitted defeat for a second.. maybe third time? And went to talk to y/n.

Timeskip to when they completed their 50 hours


I looked at the clock. We have only have to spend 3 more minutes and then we're free!! Gon and Killua were challenging each other and Leorio was reading a stack of books. Me, on the other hand, well I was uh drawing someone. Every 10 seconds I would look back up at the clock. I couldn't help but feel anxious to get out.

"Time's almost up, isn't it?"

Who is that? I turned my head. Oh, Kurapika.

"Yeah. Will we have enough time to make it back? I'm kind of worried, especially since a CERTAIN SOMEONE gambled away some pretty valuable time." I shot a dirty look at Leorio. 

"Well who knows? Anything can happen right? I mean sure, it is the idiot's fault we're even here in the first place." 

Kurapika sent another dirty look towards Leorio causing him to flinch. 

"It's not my fault!" Leorio yelled back. "You guys would've done the same thing if you were in my position." 

"Uh, no we wouldn't have." Killua joined in. "Unlike you we aren't world class PERVERTS."

"OH YOU'RE GONNA GET IT NOW BRAT." Leorio shouted, and began arguing with the poor guy.

I quickly stepped out and made my escape to the corner of the room where it was much more quiet. Only a minute left was on the clock. 

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