~ch17~Ready? Set.. FIGHT!

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(Insert y/n in the picture above)


It was the next morning. The ten of us who had made it to the final exam were standing inside a huge arena. It was really just a big part of the hotel we were at which was run by the committee, but still.

"Before the competition ends, you can make yourselves at home." Chairman Netero had the floor.

One of the men assisted Netero with a board covered with a blanket.

"And for the Final Phase, all ten of you will have a one-on-one tournament."

Swiftly, he removed the blanket and revealed a bunch of overlapping rectangles.

What kind of confusing shit is this?

"Does that mean only the one who wins the last round will become a Hunter?" Leorio asked.

"No. You only need one win to qualify."

"Only one?" Gon spoke up.

"Then, the tournament.." Leorio began again.

"The winner will qualify. And the ones who lose will advance to the next round. Which means.. The top position, here, signifies the disqualification."

Netero pointed to the very top of the board.

I'm not worried about anyone tbh to understand what's going on, but I'm more worried about, well, me. Whatever, I just need one win.

"And here is your bracket." Tape was peeled off, showing pictures of each of us and our opponents.

If I could remember.. Kurapika vs Hisoka, Killua vs Illumi, Hanzo vs Gon, Leorio vs Bodoro which leaves

Me vs Pokkle.

Thank goodness. Pokkle seems a little more nicer than the rest and I really am not up to fighting my friends.

We were each given two chances to receive a win. As long as I win one of them, I won't be the one to go out, so I best win this match. The order of who went was a little different, Gon went first and it was sad to see him constantly get hit by Hanzo, but he doesn't give up, which is what I love about him. Gon won, Leorio as well (some how), but Kurapika gave up after Hisoka whispered in his ear. It was my turn for this match, and whether I won or lost against Pokkle, my next opponent would be Kurapika.

Pokkle and I entered the fighting area and got ready. I was a little nervous, after all I was fighting in front of spectators at the phase that matters the most. Win it or lose it, whichever happens, I'm going to try my best.

Along the sidelines, the four idiots started cheering for me.

"Kick his ass!" Leorio shouted.

"C'mon y/n!" Gon yelled.

Kurapika smiled. "You can do this!"

Killua gave me a thumbs up, pointed to Pokkle and ran his finger across his neck like a knife.

Killua's POV

"She's gonna beat you up." I quietly whispered under my breath. It was meant for Pokkle, but even though he didn't hear me, I'm sure he got the message.


Pokkle had a sour expression on his face, I'm guessing because of Killua. I smirked as the two of us began our match.

Pokkle made the first move and swung in with his left fist but missed. He didn't seem like the fighting type, but I guess he had a few moves. He swung again with his right fist, this time using it as a diversion. He faked a hit making me flinch and swung his leg, tripping me to the ground. I fell on my ass with a hard thump. I got up with in seconds with my butt still sore from the fall. I ignored it and decided to come up with a move of my own. Time to use his own tactics against him.

I faked a knee towards his gut, so when he went to stop it, I did a right hook and it hit his cheek, leaving a bruise. Pokkle stopped for a moment, so I took that opportunity to knee him in the stomach for real this time. Once he bent down I did a right uppercut straight to the face. He covered his nose and mouth, which were now red. Blood steeped through the crack of his fingers. To finish it off, I did a roundhouse kick which sent him lying on the floor. He announced forfeit, so I helped him up and mouthed sorry. He was brought to the infirmary so they could fix the minor injuries I had given him. Honestly I didn't need to go all out on him, who knew what I could've done in THIS world.

The boys started clapping and congratulating me on my victory. I got the one win I needed. It was Killua's turn, the one I dreaded the most. I know I said that I told him EVERYTHING, and what I said was true, except for the Illumi is Gittarackur part. The only reason I left that out is because I've changed enough already, but no matter what I told Killua, what good would it do him? The same thing would have happened anyways.

The two were called up. Illumi removed the pins from his face to reveal the secret that he's been hiding for so long. But poor Killua, he was shocked in terror.

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