~ch10~I didn't mean to!

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I broke the last of the wall and kicked away the extra pieces. We finally managed to create a small hole, just enough for one person at a time. I stepped into the room over and helped everyone get inside of it. Gon and Killua took the slide down first and Leorio went right after. It was just Kurapika and I. I was a little nervous to go down by myself since it was kind of dark, so I hesitated. Kurapika took notice and wrapped his hands around my waist, sliding down with me until we reached the bottom. The entire time, I had my eyes closed and hid in Kurapika's arms. It may have been short, but it felt like a lifetime. Before I knew it, we had made it to where the rest of the contestants were.

"Thank you." I whispered.

The five of us entered the room, clothes covered in dirt from destroying the wall. The speaker announced our names along with the numbers we had.

"Twentieth place, Number 405, Gon! Twenty-first place, Number 99, Killua! Twenty-second place, Number 403, Leorio! Twenty-third place, Number 406, Y/n! Twenty-fourth place, Number 404, Kurapika! They took 71 hours and 59 minutes."

All the doors shut. This was it.

"Those are the results for the third phase. Twenty-five contestants passed and one died."

Talk about cutting it close! I took a quick look around the room and saw Tonpa. Ugh, he made it? He was probably stuck with Hisoka. Speaking of.. I turned to see Hisoka watching from afar. It looked like he wanted to say something. Probably about earlier when I stole his move. I continued to pretend like I didn't see him and walked out the door that just opened.

Kurapika's POV

We really made it on time. It's all thanks to y/n. We all were headed towards the fourth phase. I was walking along side y/n and admiring her beauty. I couldn't focus on anything but that. We were standing out in the open, when finally my attention was caught by a sudden halt. The 25 candidates were left standing in front of the examiner who congratulated us from escaping trick tower. Apparently we had two more phases left. The Fourth Phase is being held in Zevil Island. The island which was set right behind our examiner. Just then, an old man in green attire rolled out a small cart. On the top was a box with four arrows pointing towards the center.

"For the next phase, we will need you to draw lots." The examiner said.

Someone in the crowd called out. "Draw lots? What for?"

"It's to decide who will hunt and who will be hunted. There are 25 number cards in this box. In other words, these numbers represent all the current candidates. Now, I need you to come here and draw your number cards in the order you escaped from the tower. The first place, please."

Number 44 walked to the front. I think his name was Hisoka, I can't remember, but all I know is that I wouldn't want to go against him. This went on until it was time for the last two contestants. Me and y/n. Y/n placed before me, so she went to grab a card first. She stared at the number she had got for a long minute and came back. It was my turn. I reached my hand inside and felt around until something touched my hand. I grabbed it and looked at what I had picked.

Gon's POV

Number 44?

Killua's POV


Leorio's POV

What are we doing?


I looked at my card again. Who the fuck is #16. If only I could remember. I know its not one of the boys luckily. We each have 3 digit numbers except for Killua but he's #99. I need to find this person quick. I grabbed my tag and shoved it in my bra. It's the safest place where I know no one will touch.

"The numbers you just drew are your targets." The examiner had said.

People left and right freaked out and covered up their tags. Better to play safe than sorry. Luckily I put mine away earlier before anyone else could see. He explained the rest of the rules to us and then we boarded a boat to get to the island. We all sat on the deck, completely exposed to the rest of the passengers. I took a seat next to Killua and asked if he knew who #16 was.

"I'm not sure, sorry."

I thought he would know, but I guess I was wrong.

"That's okay, I'll work on finding them myself." I sighed in disappointment.

Killua got up to stretch and accidentally dropped his phone out of his pocket. It was unlocked and it showed the messages between him and Kurapika on his homepage. It read:

Kurapika: im serious. dont show y/n!

Killua: why don't u tell ur gf already?

Kurapika: she's not my gf!!

Killua: care to explain this?

Along with the last text Killua had sent, there was a video attached to it. What were they talking about and why was I in it? The curiosity took the best of me so I picked up the phone and moved it closer to my face.

"Y/n no!!!" Killua shouted, but it was to late. I had already pressed play by then.

It was a video from when we were still in trick tower paying off our 50 hours. It was dark and quiet so I assumed we were all asleep by then. I could see a figure in the distance, as the person recording moved closer, I saw a blonde haired boy and realized it was Kurapika. There, laying next to him was me, sound asleep. "I love you." I whispered in the video. Kurapika had leaned in and kissed me on the lips, passion burning in his eyes. After he released, he whispered back "I love you too." and closed his eyes drifting to sleep. Once the video had ended, Killua snatched his phone out of my hand. I could not believe the video I just watched.

Killua's POV

I accidentally showed y/n the video. To make matters worst, Kurapika approached the both of us.

"You guys alright over here?" He asked in a playful voice.

My face turned in horror. I had to say something.

"Dude. She saw the video."

Kurapika's voice became serious.


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