~ch11~Zevil? More like devil

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A/N- kinda concerned for some of y'all😳 but i just wanted to say thank you for reading my fanfic. all the comments and votes make me rly happy! i'll try to upload more often, oh and pls dm me or drop in the comments of what fanfic/x reader would you like me to write next (or anything else for that matter) i'm not doing any lemons tho but other than that feel free to let me know :)



It was starting to feel tense in the atmosphere between us three. I didn't want to be here when things got ugly, but judging from the looks of it, it already has. I shuffled to my right and quickly got up. I decided that I would leave and wander around the ship. I didn't care that I was leaving the rest of them, but I need some space to clear my head and register what had just happened. There wasn't many places I could go because it was such a small ship and we were meant to stay aboard the deck. My eyes met with one of the crew-mates so I went up to talk to them. 

"Excuse me, what areas of the boat are available to passengers?"

"The restrooms and if you're hungry, there's a kitchen below."

A kitchen?  This boat is kind of small, so the kitchen must be as well.. right?  I wanted to check it out, plus I was getting a little hungry. 

"Could you direct me towards the kitchen?"

The crew-mate pointed down the right. I then thanked them and opened the kitchen door after they had left. I thought only chefs were allowed in here. Well whatever. The first thing I saw was the ground covered in transparent flooring, revealing the wonders of the ocean beneath me. My eyes move upwards and scanned every inch of the room. It was larger than I had expected and by far the nicest part of the boat. Gold and teal dripped down the walls and the nicest set of marble appliances sealed every area. It was unique, unlike anything I've ever seen. I then spent 10 minutes rummaging through the fridge as well as all cabinets and drawers. I wasn't sure what to make until I finally thought of something. Chaliapin steak. I've always wanted to try the dish once I saw the famous Soma Yukihira make it in Food Wars. I've watched that show almost a million times, but my mouth waters the most when this appears on screen. I have to admit, I'm not the best cook, but I can make this work. I went back around the room and grabbed the ingredient I needed. Steak cuts, onions, anddddd honey. I got to work and put it together step by step like how I remembered. I accidentally spilled some honey on me and started laughing.

"This is fun!" I said aloud to myself, still giggling uncontrollably. 

It was the truth though. I really was having fun cooking. I was having so much fun that I forgot the entire reason why I was here in the first place. Right, the video. I placed the steak in a pan and threw it on the stove on high heat. Did I see it correctly? I pinched myself in hopes I wasn't dreaming. When I released my skin, it was bright red and tingling with slight pain. Thank goodness it's real. So that means he really does love me?  During my thinkfest, the meat finished cooking as the aroma filled the room. My stomach growled as I was eager to dig in. Quickly, I turned off the burner and place my food on a bowl of white rice. I smiled and took a big bite. It tasted better than my normal cooking, did my skills in that advance too?  I completed my meal and cleaned up the mess I had made, as well as on myself. I ran to the restroom to wash off the honey I spilled. When I looked in the mirror I couldn't help but snort. My hair was sticking up everywhere and I looked like a giant mess. It was funny. By the time I got back to everyone else, the boat had stop, causing me to stumble backwards. A lady with sort red hair announced our arrival. 

"We have finally reached Zevil Island! Now, starting with the candidate who took the least time to pass the Third Phase, please get off the boat in order."

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