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Gon's POV

A day ago I had just figured out #44 is Hisoka. For the time being, I began to follow him around, from a distance and tried my best to conceal my presence. I decided on a tactic on how I'll get his tag. I'll wait until he encounters someone and use them as a distraction while I grab it. I played the plan inside my head over and over again until I noticed Hisoka was heading in the direction of his next pray. Is that y/n?!  I didn't want to use my friend as bait, but I really need that tag. I used my fishing rod to grab his number and shoved it inside my pocket. I did it!


Y/n and Hisoka were both staring at me. 

"Did he hurt you?" I called out. "Stay away from y/n."

I positioned myself in a fighting stance in case I needed to protect y/n. I really don't want her to get hurt. (Gon's so pure sad face :( )


I was talking to Hisoka when a fishing rod snatched the 44 off of Hisoka's shirt. I immediately knew who it was. 


He looked upset and tensed up a little when Hisoka stared at him.

"Did he hurt you? Stay away from y/n"

"Me and y/n were just finishing up. Goodbye y/n~"

Where does this bastard think he's going? He promised to tell me who my target is. 

"Wait! Who's Number 16?" 

"I'll give you a hint. He's closer than you think~" He replied and walked away.

Moments later I heard the sound of ruffles behind a nearby bush. I sneakily came around the corner and knocked the person down. I waited until they stopped resisting and calmed down. Is this...

Tonpa? I looked right at his tag on his shirt. Number 16... son of a bitch what is he doing here? I grabbed his tag and tied him to a tree, questioning the life out of him. 

"Why are you here?" I asked in a stern voice. 


Um is he going to say anything else?

"What about Gon?"

"H-He's my target."

That explains why he was following us. I rolled my eyes at the nuisance that stood (technically tied up) before me. I was about ready to get going since I got what I needed. There was no point hanging around with this loser anymore so I walked towards Gon's side and nodded letting him know that we were leaving. 

"Wait! Where are you going?"

What else did he want?

"Leaving. That's what I'm doing. I have no need for you since I already took your tag."

"Aren't you going to untie me first???"

"Why would I do tha-"

Hold on a second. An idea rushed to my head. 

"Actually I will untie you." I smirked. "Of course, not until I have my fun."

-One hour later-

I asked Gon if he's come in contact with Kurapika at all since we got here, but Gon told me he hadn't. Luckily I have the rest of the week to look for him.

"Hey y/n." Gon continued to walk ahead without making eye contact. 

"What's up?"

"I've been wondering this whole time, but did you need to do ALL of that."

He was referring to how I delt with Tonpa. Of course, every second of it was necessary. 


"Actually I will untie you." I smirked. "Of course, not until I have my fun."

I moved closer to his body, still tied to the tree. Carefully, I took off one shoe, and removed my sock, setting it aside. I then reached from his bag, pulling out two cans of juice laced with laxatives. I opened it up and doused my sock with the liquids. After I finished soaking the sock, I pulled his head back and shoved the sock inside, adding tape so it the contents inside wouldn't fall out. He gave out a muffled scream, desperately trying to remove what was stuck inside his mouth. I'm almost done. I opened the second can and poured it down his pants. It was a harmless prank.

"So, I lied. But feel free to untie it yourself!" I gave a full-hearted smile. 

I walked away not giving a single fuck as a loud, villainess laugh escaped from my mouth.  It was hilarious. 

-End of Flashback-

Thinking back, I didn't feel bad. Not even a little bit. The prick deserved it, especially since originally, he was a giant asshole to them 4. I decided to answer Gon's question for the fun of it. 

"Yes. I had to do all of it. See, I have this thing where when I'm happy, my performance increases dramatically, whether it's mentally or physically. Doing that made me happy and quite entertained."

Smoke was emitting through his small ears. I decided to simplify it. 

"Basically it's my energy source."

"Ohh, so Tonpa was helping you in a good way?"


"And he liked doing it?"

"He was having a lot of fun."

Sorry for lying to you Gon, but one day you'll understand it hehe.

A/N- short chapter! but at least you found out who number 16 was. i'll try to post more later :D also i bet you lovelies are missing kurapika, y/n x kurapika will be reunited soon 

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