~ch5~ You're on!

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A/N- sorry i haven't updated at all this weekend, so here's an extra long chapter to make it up!


(Still Kurapika's POV)

When the two of us returned, Leorio looked at me confused.

"Why are you shirtless?"

He then spotted Y/N. 

"Giving it to your girlfriend now are you." He said with a smirk.

I wanted to punch that little smile off of his face. Her shirt happened to be dirty, that's all. And my girlfriend? Really? She's nothing more than a friend. At least, I think so. We were headed onto the next stage. Our next challenge was to reach the bottom of a tower within a certain amount of time. Climbing our way down on the outside of the building was not an option, considering the guy who did, which ended up getting snatched by a flying creature. There was no visible exit. The five of us spent forever trying to find a way down, when we realized, a little more than half the people we started with were now gone. It seemed that Gon and Killua found a possibility to get where everyone else had disappeared to. They came up to Leorio, y/n, and I, explaining how they saw someone step onto a stone, which had dropped them underneath it, but all the stones that people had used wouldn't open up again. I looked to my right and saw y/n staring intensely at the ground. She walked more to the side and lightly tapped the floor with her foot. It sounded hollow. She slowly pushed the tip of the stone door and it cracked open. She then did that four more times in the same area. 

"Hey guys, over here." She called.

We all walked in her direction and she pointed out 5 stone doors that were close in distance. Apparently they all seemed to work, so we each agreed to step on a stone door to see where it would lead us. All of us but y/n quickly parted our goodbyes. I wonder why she didn't say anything. All of a sudden, the floor beneath us dumped our bodies below. I looked up and saw four more people collapsed on the ground. When I got a closer look, I saw it was Killua, Gon, Leorio, and Y/n. Turns out our goodbyes were shorter than we anticipated. 


I remembered this part of the hunter exam. But ugh they never showed exactly where the doors were. I ran around tapping my foot on each stone. A lot of the people found it before me, so it became harder and harder to find. After what seemed like years of looking, Gon and Killua came and mentioned to us about the secret doors. While they were talking, in the corner of my eye I saw something small sparkle on the floor. It was bright so I walked over there and slightly applied pressure where it shined. My eyes widened. It worked. Finally. I did that four more times in the same area. 

"Hey guys, over here." I called out. 

I pointed out the stones I had found, all five of them, and they all stood on top of each one. They each said goodbye to each other, not knowing where this would lead us, but I just kept quiet knowing that we would be reunited within seconds of departing. As soon as we fell inside the room, I let out a small yelp. The way down was actually a pretty big drop. As soon as my body hit the cold, ground floor, a look of relief took over my face. It's over. I thought.

"Are you guys okay?"

Kurapika was the first one to get up.

"Yeah." We replied in sync.

There were 5 timers on a small, silver table along with a tv screen glued against the wall above. I read aloud the instructions that showed. 

"From now on until the end, the five of you will continue by following what the majority wants."

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