Chapter 2: Dont Kiss and Tell

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the waiter comes back with your shots. you smile and say thank you then take a shot.
You: this is fucking crazy
Sora: we just gotta keep it a secret
You: "it?" i barely even know you
he runs his hand up your thigh
Sora: but you can't get to know me...
you take another shot
You: i mean i guess so, but my dad can't find out. if he ever found out i was talking to you he would kill me
Sora: yeah...i know, mine too
You:'s almost time for me to go back on...give me your phone
he hands you his phone and you put your number in
You: text me
you take one more shot then get off the barstool and run to the back to change into your next outfit. you go on stage and do your performance. when your shift is over you clock out. you decide to leave your outfit on because you are too lazy to change. you see Sora at the bar on his phone. you sit down next to him.
You: wanna buy me another drink?
Sora: sure
you smile
You: a pineapple margarita please
he smiles and calls the bartender over
Sora: one pineapple margarita
the bartender smiles and goes to make the drink
Sora: long you been working here?
You: about a year, how often do you come here
Sora: rarely, my father has me so involved in his mafia business
You: same, except since i'm a girl he thinks i can't do much
Sora: that's stupid
You: yeah
the bartender returns with your drink and you sip on it as the two of you continue to talk. you then ask for some shots and she brings them to you. when you guys are finished drinking you get up off the barstool.
You: walk me to my car
Sora: of course
the two of you exit together and he walks you to your car
You: this is me
Sora: mercedes...fancy
you giggle a little as you are standing against your car door. just then he leans in close to you. he drags his thumb across your bottom lip and looks down your body. you bite your lips. he then kisses you softly and you kiss him back. you pull away and smile then kiss him again as you open the backseat car door...

to be continued

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