Chapter 15: Not So Secret

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After getting snacks from the vending machine you and Sora go back upstairs to your room. You both sit on the bed with the snacks and you turn on the TV. You look over at him to see him staring at you.
You: what?
Sora: you're gorgeous
You smile and your cheeks start to get warm. You bite your lower lip and he leans in to kiss you. You kiss him back slowly and passionately. He lays down and you straddle over him continuing to kiss him. You guys continue to make out for about 5 minutes. You then pause
You: i don't think this is the best thing for concussion recovery
You giggle
You: but i don't care...
He smiles and you start to kiss him again. You pause and take off your shirt and then kiss him again. He flips you over so that he's on top and runs his hands down your body. You smile...
Your dads men watch the security camera footage on a computer.
Man #1: I feel like we shouldn't be watching this...
Man #2: We can stop watching it now but we need to report this back to the boss
Man #1: Why?
Man #2 Don't you know who that is?
Man #1: No???
Man #2: Thats the son of the rival mafia boss, the bosses daughter shouldn't be near him
Man #1: You're right we gotta tell the boss.
The two men call him. He picks up immediately.
Your Dad: Have you found her?
Man #1: Yes boss...but we have news
Your Dad: What is it?
Man #1: She is with the son of the rival mafia boss...
Your Dad: What do you mean she's WITH him?
Man #2: Like they're together together
Man #1: We stopped watching the security cameras because um...
Your Dad: because what
Man #1: I think they're gonna have sex...sir I think your daughter is dating the rival bosses son
Your Dad: SHES WHAT??? alright I'm coming to the hotel right now. I'm ending this now...
He hangs up the phone.
You and Sora are still making out. You suddenly stop.
Sora: what's wrong babe...?
You: shhh shhhh
You reach underneath the night stand and find one of the listening devices. You crush it and it shuts off.
You then find in the corner of the room by the door the camera.
You: babe lift me up
He gets off the bed and lifts you up. You take down the camera and crush it.
You: my dad is after us they were WATCHING you aren't safe you have to leave...
Sora: i'm not leaving you
You: NOW
Sora: no
You: excuse me?
You say this as you load a gun
Sora: i'm not leaving you...if we're gonna die we die together-
Suddenly the door bursts open. It is your father. He pulls a gun on you and Sora and fires it. The bullet just barely misses Sora. You pull out a gun as well.
You: don't think i'm gonna go down without a fight dad
Your hands are shaky and sweaty but you try to look as tough as possible...


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