Chapter 16: Blood Shed and a Tear

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You hold the gun straight with a serious look on your face. Your dad lowers his gun and begins to walk towards you.
Your Dad: Put down the gun...and we can do this the easy way
You: Do what?
You say this still holding the gun up.
Your Dad: Give me the boy...and I wont hurt promises about him though...we can also do it the hard way where i kill both of you. So if you wanna live hand him over.
You: Make me.
You say this with a straight face. This angers your father. He fires the gun.
He ducks down onto the floor and you fire the gun at your dad. The bullet hits him right in the stomach and he falls to the ground. He's still alive. He reaches for his gun but you kick it away from him. You lean over your dad and cock the gun for one final shot to kill him for good.
Sora: babe you don't have to do don't have to kill him
You: if i don't he's coming back for us and we're BOTH in danger. so yes i HAVE to do this
You fire the gun with tears in your eyes and hit him right in the chest. You can tell now that he's dead. You take a deep breath.
You: I just killed my dad...
A tear slips down your cheek as you drop the gun to the floor. Sora comes behind you and rubs your back. He pulls you in for a hug and another tear falls.
You wipe your face and inhale.
You: okay we gotta get outta here before we get caught...when i booked the hotel i booked it under a fake name so there's no way we're getting caught unless we get caught right let's go
You grab the gun and stuff it under your jacket and clean all the surfaces of you and Sora's finger prints to make the murder look like a suicide.
You: okay let's go...we gotta go out the window.
When you guys finally make it out the hotel and into the car you take a deep breath and sigh.
You: We're free!
Sora: From YOUR dad but what about mine?!!
You: damn i don't know, i'll join your side or something and i can help you guys, i know things lots of things but we can worry about that later
You kiss him passionately and he kisses you back. You pull away and rub his cheek with your hand
You: I love you babe...
Sora: I love you too

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