Chapter 37: Addicted

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When you arrive back home the house feels quiet and empty. You stand at the bottom of the staircase
You *yelling*: Sora???
No answer. You decide to call him. He picks up almost immediately
Sora *otp*: Hello?
You *otp*: Where are you?
Sora *otp*: I just went to get food, do you want anything though?
You *otp*: No...I'll see you soon. Love you.
Sora *otp*: Love you too
You go upstairs and mindlessly scroll on your phone until Sora gets back. He gets home about 20 minutes later and you go say hi to him.
You: Hey
You give him a hug and he hugs you back and kisses you on the cheek
You: Sorry I got so upset at your early, I was just in a bad mood you know?
Sora: Yeah no it's fine I get it.
He takes his food out the bag and carries it to the table to eat. You sit down with him and just stare at him.
Sora: What..?
You just smile and shake your head
You: Nothing
He smiles back. You get up front the table to go upstairs
You: Love you
Sora: Love you too
He watches you run up the stairs and looks your body up and down.

About a month has gone by and you can feel the pills consuming your life. You meet with Bailey almost every week and each time you see him you get a larger dose of pills. You're laying upside down on the bed with your feet on the bed and your head hanging off while you scroll on your phone. You're high. You giggle for no reason then somersault off the bed. You grab your car keys and go downstairs to get in your car. Somehow you wind up at Jared's apartment. You take the elevator up to his floor and walk to his door. You bang on the door until he answers.
You: heyyyyyy
You let yourself into his apartment and close the door behind you.
Jared: hi...?
You: I was totally thinking of you and like i was all like "maybe i should go over there and let him fuck me" so then i like came here
Jared: Why are you acting weird
You cup his face with your hands.
You: I'm not being weirdddd i'm just being honest.
You pull your shirt off over your then unclasp your bra.
You: Cmonnn touch me, i want you
Jared: Are you on something?
You giggle and begin to take off your pants and your underwear. You sit on the counter.
Jared: Y/N put your clothes back on
You shake your head and Jared rolls his eyes. He picks your underwear up off the floor and slides them back on. He does the same with your pants. He then lifts you off the counter. He puts your bra and shirt back on then carries you to the couch. He pulls a blanket over you to let you sleep off the high. You wake up almost 3 hours later. You sit up and look around trying to remember how you got there
Jared: You're awake
You: Why am I here
Jared: Well you came over and you were high...
He holds up an orange bottle of pills and you hide your face in your hands.
Jared: Does Sora know about this?
You: No...and he doesn't need to know because I have it under control
Jared: Isn't that what every addict says
You: Are you calling me a drug addict?
Jared: No I didn't mean it like that but cmon
You: No I get it...
You get up off the couch and grab your stuff.
Jared: Y/N wait
You glare at him then grab the pill bottle out his hand.
You: Don't even.
You walk out the door and slam it behind you.

To be continued...

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