Chapter 41: We are Forever

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It's been about a half a year (6 months) since you went to rehab. Today is the day you finally get released. You're so excited to see Sora again since your visiting was restricted while you were in rehab. You finish packing up your bags and go to the front desk to check yourself out. You then exit the front doors and Sora is already there waiting for you. You smile and drop your bags and then run over to him. You give him the biggest hug and he lifts you up and spins you around
He kisses you passionately, like he's never kissed you  before. You pull away and smile and he puts you down.
You: Okay okay i need to go pick up my bags then we can go home!!!
You go pick up your bags off the stairs and then walk back to Sora. You put your hand out for him to hold and the two of you walk to the car. The drive back home is a little long and it's awkwardly silent at first.
Sora: So what do you say we go out to eat tonight? You know to celebrate
You: I'd love that
He looks over at you and smiles while he places his hand on your thigh. You smile back and you feel so happy. Once you guys arrive home you go upstairs and unpack your bags. While you're unpacking Sora comes in the room
Sora: I made the dinner reservation for 7 so you might wanna get ready soon
You smile and nod your head. Once you're done unpacking you get dressed for dinner. You decide on an emerald green mini dress with silver heels. Once you and Sora are ready you guys head to dinner. He checks in with the host and a waitress leads you guys to a table. She seats you guys and turns towards the kitchen. You catch Sora staring at you
You: What?
Sora: Nothing...I just missed your beautiful face
You smile and blush a little and just then another waitress comes by.
Waitress: Hi my name is Allie i'll be your server for today, can I get you started with any drinks?
Sora: We'll take 2 red wines and 2 waters please
Allie: Alright i'll be right back with that!!
She smiles and heads to the kitchen
You: I'm gonna go to the restroom really quick
Sora takes this as his chance to do something really important. You grab your purse and turn around heading towards the bathroom when suddenly Sora grabs your wrist.
Sora: Wait...
You turn around to see him down on one knee and your eyes begin to water.
Sora: Y/N i love you, i really truly love you, and that day when i almost lost you i realized how strong my love for you was, and those agonizing 6 months i spent away from you made me realize i could never imagine a life without you in it...Y/N i wanna spend the rest of my life with you, and i hope you will let Y/N will you marry me??
He pulls a ring out his pocket and you place your hand over your mouth as tears fall down your cheeks
You: Yes oh my god yes!!
He stands up and smiles as he slides the ring onto your finger. More tears flow and you can't help but notice that people in the restaurant are watching. You hold up your hand to show your ring
You: I'm engaged!!!
You give Sora a big hug then kiss him passionately and the people in the restaurant clap.
Sora: We are forever okay?
You nod your head as he wipes the tears from your cheeks.
You: Forever
And never in any moment has life felt more worth the living...

THE END!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this story and I thought this was a nice place to end it 🫶🏽🫶🏽

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