Chapter 26: First Order of Business

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You walk into the door and set your bag down. You smile.
Sora: I really really missed you and I swear I will never do anything to hurt you again.
You put your hands on his cheeks.
You: I believe you
You kiss him still having your hands placed on his cheek.
Sora: I have a surprise for you, come on
You: Oooo okay
You grab your bag and follow him upstairs. He leads you into his room and you sit on the bed.
Sora: It's kinda a lot but I think you like all of it
First he hands you a shoe box. You open the box and in it is a pair of black high heel boots.
You: Awww baby I love them
He smiles
Sora: Okay next thing
He hands you a bag. Inside the bag is a pair of leather pants
You: These are so cool too but why leather???
Sora: That leads me to the next thing.
He hands you a plain white box that feels slightly heavier than the other gifts. You have a confused look on your face. You open the box to see a shiny, black gun. A big smile spreads across your face.
Sora: Yes
He smiles and you hug him.
You: Thank you...
Sora: Of course, our first order of business is tomorrow so be ready
You smile and kiss him.
You: Thank you so much baby
Sora: Anything for you
The rest of the day is pretty chill, for dinner you guys order in some chinese food and watch movies together. Around 12:30 a.m. you guys get in bed. Sora kisses down your neck and you smile.
Sora: Goodnight baby
You: Goodnight!!
You pull the blanket over your body and just lay there. You can't fall asleep for a couple hours and you keep tossing and turning but you eventually fall asleep. You wake up the next day pretty late due to your lack of sleep the night before. Even though you are still tired you drag yourself out of bed and get ready for the day. You aren't feeling so well. Once you are ready you go downstairs and make yourself a bowl of cereal.
Sora: Hey
You: Hey
Sora: You okay?
You: Yeah I just feel kinda sick
You sit down on the couch next to him and begin to eat. The rest of the day goes by pretty fast and before you know it, it's time for your first order of business.
You: So what do we have to do "boss"
Sora: A meeting
You: Ugh are you serious
Sora: Yeah, sorry if you were expecting something more interesting, maybe the next time around
You: It's okay, i'm just happy i get to go with you
You smile as you finish getting ready. When you are both ready to go, you guys head to the meeting.
It's long and boring but every once in a while the mention of your dads side of the mafia got you invested. After the meeting you guys head home and it's pretty late. You guys get ready for bed and again you toss and turn, this time getting even less sleep than the night before.

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