Chapter 18: Jealousy

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You follow Sora upstairs into his bedroom.
You: It feels weird to come in through the door instead of the window
He smiles.
Sora: welcome home, i don't have much for you to wear but tomorrow we can go shopping for clothes since you probably don't wanna go back to your house.
You nod your head and smile.
Sora: You can wear this hoodie but i don't have any bottoms
You: It's okay
You take the hoodie from him and go into the bathroom to shower in order to get the blood off your body. After you take a shower you throw on the hoodie with no bottoms. You come out the bathroom and Sora looks you up and down.
Sora: You look so fine
You smile
You: Thank you
You get into bed and yawn. Sora kisses your cheek then kisses down your neck.
Sora: You okay?
You: Yeah i'm good...well my head hurts and i don't know how i feel about my dad but i'm happy that i can be with you and not hide it.
You smile
You: Goodnight babe I love you
Sora: I love you more
You smile and turn onto your side and he wraps his arms around your waist, you fall asleep about 5 minutes later...the next couple of weeks go by super fast and you're are already adjusted to your new life, in fact you're ready to go back to work. You lay on the bed wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
You (yelling): SORA
Sora (yelling from downstairs): YEAH
He comes upstairs.
Sora: What's up?
You: Sit, i have a question to ask you
Sora: Okay...?
You: Ok so i was wondering if i could go back to work? I mean unless of course if you're not comfortable with that since you know we're more serious and stuff now
Sora: You can go back
Sora: Yeah
You: Okay thank you
You smile and kiss his cheek then dismiss him if he'd like and the rest of the day goes by pretty fast. Before you know it is about 8:30 at night and you are getting ready for work. Once you are ready you head downstairs to find Sora on the couch. You smile
You: i'm heading to work, come by and see me later?
Sora: of course you
You: love you too
You say this as you go out the door. You get in your car and head to work. Once you arrive you go to the back to change and then find a section to perform. You do about 4 performances before you decide to get a drink. You hop onto a bar stool and wave over the bartender.
Bartender: what can i get for ya?
You: one vodka tonic please
The bartender nods his head and prepares the drink for you handing it over just seconds later. You take a sip and swirl the straw around a little then take another sip. Once you finish that one you ask for another. You have about 3 then some tequila shots and by now you're pretty drunk. You slam your head on the counter and sigh before getting up to finish off your shift. You hop off the barstool and are startled by a man standing directly behind you. You give him a confused look. He hands you a couple hundred bucks.
You: What do you want
Him: Dance for me on stage and the money is yours
Drunk with clouded judgement you agree.
You: Follow me
You lead him to an empty section and bring him onto the stage. You take a microphone and begin to speak.
You (loudly): Ladies and Gentelemennn my name is Y/N and I am gonna give my little friend here...
You (whispering): What's your name?
Him: Jordan
You (loudly): My friend Jordan a nice show OKAY?
You set the microphone down and sit him into a chair. You sit on his lap and adjust yourself then begin to grind your hips on him. As this is going on Sora walks in. You continue to give the man a lap dance not knowing that Sora is there. Sora sees you and notices what's going on. He walks over.
Sora: What the hell are you doing?
You: I'm working
Sora pulls your arm to pull you off the man. He then looks at him
Sora: This is my girlfriend...
Jordan: Fuck im sorry, she didn't tell me she was taken
Sora: It's alright
He then you up over his shoulder and walks you to a corner in the club.
Sora: What is wrong with you
You: Relax i'm doing my job
Sora: Your job is to dance on poles not people
You: Mhm
Sora: You're drunk
You: Ya mhm
Sora: Cmon we're going home
You: You cant make me
Sora: What?
You: You're jealous
You walk away and he follows you.
Sora: I am so we're going home
You go get your stuff and then follow him outside.


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