Chapter 32: The Same Mistakes

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You smile as he puts his hands on your cheek
Sora: I love you
You: I love you too
Suddenly it comes to your mind that you owe another person an apology as well.
You: Babe i have to go do something
Sora: do what?
You: nothing, i'll be back in like an hour
You grab your keys and phone off the nightstand and blow Sora a kiss. You run down the stairs and out to your car, heading to where you need to go. When you arrive, you take the elevator up to his apartment and knock.
Jared: who is it???
You: it's me
You hear the sound of the locks clicking as he unlocks the door.
Jared: what the fuck do you want
You: well hello to you too
Jared: sorry i'm not exactly excited to see you. your "boyfriend" fought me and threatened me over a choice we both made
You: i know and that's why i came to apologize. can i come in.
He steps aside and motions for you to come in, closing the door behind you.
Jared: does he know you're here?
You cross your arms
You: no and he doesn't need to. look i'm sorry. i'm sorry for sleeping with you and sorry that i forced you to do it unprotected, i'm sorry for the danger i put you in and for what sora did to you and i-
Jared: what do you see in him?
You: what?
Jared: what do you see in him??
You: what do you mean i-
He steps closer to you, so close you can hear him breathing, and feel his breathe on your neck
You: hes my boyfriend, i see...i see...
Jared: see you don't even know why you're with him, but you do know why you slept with me.
He lifts your chin up and begins to kiss you. for about 10 seconds you kiss him back. You then pull away and back up
You: i cant do this...
Jared: mhm
You: what? i'm trying to do the right thing here but i-
Jared: yeah whatever
You: what's your problem
Jared: nothing
You walk closer to him again and look up into his eyes
You: make. me.
You kiss him with thousands of thoughts racing through your head, every thought telling you that this is wrong. but you push them away. You guys continue to kiss and he slides your shirt off. He carries you over to the couch and lays down with you on top of him, you guys still making out. He begins to take off your pants and throws them on the floor, removing your panties as well. He flips you over so that he's now on top and kisses down your body. He begins to eat you out but it hurts so bad that you push him off. He gives you a confused look.
You: it hurts...
Jared: why what happened
You: oh nothing, it just hurts
You begin to get yourself dressed again and then stand up. You grab your stuff
You: look i'm sorry for even coming over in the first place, i know i just made shit worse but i had to apologize. anyways i'm just gonna go
You turn around to walk to the door and he walks behind you
Jared: hey...
You turn around
You: mhm?
He cups your face with his hands
Jared: nothing was your fault
You softly smile and nod your head. He kisses your forehead and then hugs you as your eyes fill with warm tears because you know how much you could hurt Sora. You blink the tears back and pull out of the hug. You half smile and close the door with a million voices in your head.

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