Chapter 24: 8 Missed Calls, 3 Voicemails

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You exit the apartment but then burst back in about a minute later. You yell from the doorway
Jared: MHM
You leave and call an Uber, once you get to the lobby you wait about 5 minutes before the uber arrives. The uber drops you off at the bar where you then transfer to your car. You start the car and check your phone. You noticed you have a missed call from Lucci and about 5 missed calls from Sora. You decide to call Lucci back first. She picks up immediately.
Lucci: Hey sorry I missed your call earlier on, what's up?
You: It's a lot, i'm staying in a hotel right now so meet me there? I'll send you the address
Lucci: For sure, see you soon
You: Mhm
You hang up the phone, send Lucci the address then drive back to the hotel. When you arrive, Lucci is already in the waiting room.
You: Hey!
Lucci: Heyy
She gives you a hug and you smile. You then lead her to the elevator and you guys go up to the floor where your room is located. You enter in your room and Lucci follows behind. You flop down onto the bed
You: I'm tired, I need a shower but i'll explain everything to you while I shower
Lucci laughs a little
Lucci: Okay
You go into the bathroom to turn on the shower. Once it's heated up you take off your clothes and hop in.
Lucci: So fill me in
You: Well first me and Sora had a fight and I said some pretty messed up stuff but he deserved it
Lucci: Why were you guys fighting
You: I was tired of him being gone all the time, and then yesterday when he came home i hugged him and asked if he want to go in the pool with me and he pushed me away so that really pissed me off so when he got back home we had the fight
Lucci: Are you gonna try to make up with him? Has he called?
You: Yes he's called...8 times and left 3 voicemails. But i don't know if i should make up with him YET because i did a thing...
Lucci: What did you do???
You: I had sex with his best friend, like earlier
You: Well he was there and I was upset and it just happened. So now idk it should make up with Sora
Lucci: Now you have to wait longer because you guys are BARELY broken up and-
Just then you both hear a knock on the hotel room door. You roll your eyes and turn off the shower then dry off a little before throwing on a robe. You go to answer the door and it's Sora.
Sora: Hey...
You: What do you want? And how did you know I was here?
Sora: I wanna apologize, for excuses, just an apology, and it's the only hotel close by so...
You: You have 30 seconds.
Sora: I am really really sorry if I ever made you feel lonely, i'm sorry for leaving and not telling you where I was going, i'm sorry for not spending enough time with, i'm sorry for pushing you today, i shouldn't have put my hands on you like that but know that i love you, and i wanna be with you and i will do WHATEVER it takes to get you back...if you want you can get involved in the business and you'll be around me a lot more
You: I accept your apology, but I still need some time away from you and all this mafia stuff
Sora: I understand...i'll be waiting
He leans in to kiss you and you kiss him back. He exits the room and you close and lock the door.
You say this while banging the palm of your hand on your forehead.
Lucci: What are you gonna do now...

To Be Continued

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