Chapter 25: Drunk on Anxiety

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You: I don't- I don't know, it's gonna look suspicious either way, I don't- I can't...fuck I really messed it up this time what do I- Lucci what do I- I-
Lucci: Are you ok
You start to struggle to breathe.
Lucci: Just breathe okay? Here sit down
She leads you to the edge of the bed and you both sit down. You put your elbows on your knees and cover your face with your hands, still struggling to breathe.
Lucci: What's wrong?
You: I cant- I need- I...
You begin to cry and you can't breathe. You feel like passing out. Now you are crying really hard.
You: I...I cant...lose...him. He's all I have left my dad is dead and I killed him Sora is all I have and I...messed...up
You cry harder and lay your head on Lucci's shoulder.
Lucci: You just have to come clean...apologize and wait for him to forgive you.
You: What I did is unforgivable and I cant- we wont- my-
You put your hands over your mouth and run over to the bathroom. You lean over the toilet and throw up. You gag and try to catch your breath. Lucci rubs your back. Once you have settled down a bit, you get up and flush the toilet.
You: I need some rest, you can leave if you want
Lucci: Babes no...I'll stay with you
You nod your head and wipe your eyes
You: Thank you
Lucci: Don't thank me
You: There's some pajamas in my bag, take whatever you want and bring me some too please
She nods and grabs two pairs of pajamas. You both change and brush your teeth, getting ready to go to sleep. You set up the pull out bed for Lucci. When she comes out the bathroom she gives you a hug.
Lucci: Try to get some sleep, everything will be okay
You nod and smile then go into your bed and Lucci goes into hers. You turn off the light and fall asleep about 10 minutes later.
You wake up feeling a little better. You check your phone. You have a couple text messages. 1 from Sora and 1 from Jared. You read Sora's message first which says
"Good morning, I know you said you need space but I just wanted to say I hope you slept well. I love you"
You smile at his message but you don't respond. You then read Jared's message which says
"We should hook up again sometime"
You roll your eyes and scoff. You respond to his text saying
"Fuck you"
He responds fairly quickly saying
"When and where?"
You giggle because it was a little funny but then you get serious again. You respond saying
"I'm serious leave me alone, you promised not to talk about it anymore"
He responds saying.
"Fine but I'm down whenever, just so yk"
You leave him on read and then get up to get the day started. When you are all dressed Lucci wakes up.
You: Good morning
Lucci: Feeling better?
She says this as she yawns and stretches.
You: Yeah
You smile and so does she.
Lucci: Good, do you have plans today?
You: Ehhh i don't know probably not though, imma just try to relax but i need to go to the store and get a Plan B pill.
Lucci: That's good, you deserve a break, but why do you need Plan B...aren't you on the pill, and didn't you tell him to pull out and use protection
You: Well yeah i'm on the pill but i didn't tell him to use protection or pull out...i told him to do it in me so imma be extra safe cuz i don't want his babies
Lucci: I mean yeah i guess better safe than sorry
You decide your break from Sora is over, you pack your stuff up and check out the hotel and head back over to Sora's place. You knock on the door and he answers...his face lights up with excitement.
Sora: You're back!
He lifts you up and kisses you. You kiss him back wrapping your arms around his neck. He then sets you down and you smile
You: Surprise
You still have that feeling of guilt deep down in your stomach...

To Be Continued

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