Chapter 9: Suprise..

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you wake up one morning...Sora's arms are wrapped around your waist but he is still asleep. You smile and squirm your way out of his arms. You kiss him on the cheek and go to the bathroom to get ready for the day. When you are dressed you go back into your room and he's awake.
You: good morning
Sora: good morning baby
You: did you sleep good?
Sora: yeah, you?
You: yeah :)
You then exit your room and go downstairs to make some breakfast. After the two of you eat breakfast you feel really sick.
You: baby i don't feel good
Sora: what's wrong?
You: idk i feel sick
Sora: are you-
before he can finish you run to the trash can and throw up. he follows behind you and gets on his knees next to you as you continue throwing up. he rubs your back.
You: sorry, it must've been something i ate
Sora: don't apologize, do you wanna go rest?
You: yeah...
you kiss him on the cheek and head upstairs to your room. you lay down in your bed and eventually fall asleep.
you wake up and it's about 6:00. you stretch and go downstairs. Sora is sitting down watching TV. you sit next to him.
Sora: look who's awake
You: i didn't realize i slept for so should've woke me up
Sora: it's okay, do you feel better now
You: hungry?
Sora: actually yeah
You: what do you want to eat?
Sora: maybe some chinese?
You: i'm ok with that, order it and have it delivered please, i have to run out to the store
Sora: okay
you kiss him on the cheek as you get up
You: love you
Sora: love you too.
you fix yourself up and go to the store. when you arrive at the store you buy a pregnancy test and pay for it and head back home. by the time your arrive back home the food is there.
You: i'm back
Sora: hey
You: hey, give me a second and i'll be right down.
you go up to your room and take the test and leave it until after dinner. you go downstairs and eat
You: what did you do all day
Sora: basically just watch TV and stuff
You: jeez sorry you must've been bored
Sora: don't worry about it
you guys continue eating, talking, and laughing. when you guys are done eating you clean up the table and go back to check the test. you take a deep breathe and look at it.
You: fuck...
you hold the test in your hands and continue to stare at it.

to be continued...

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