Chapter 20: Little Black Dress

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You wake up the next morning feeling a lot better and well rested. You roll over and Sora isn't in bed next to you so you check your phone to see if he texted and he did. The message reads "Good morning babe, sorry I'm not home I had some business to take care of but i'll see you soon, love you ❤️". You reply saying "Love you too ❤️" and then set your phone down. You take a shower and get dressed for the day. You go downstairs to get something to eat and you are greeted by the security men. You greet them back with a smile and then prepare yourself a bowl of cereal. You take it back upstairs and eat while watching Netflix. Once you are done eating you take your bowl downstairs to the sink to wash it out and suddenly hear the doorbell ring. You open it to see a boy at the door
You: Hello??
Boy: Is Sora home?
You: No he's not..?? Who are you?
Boy: I'm his friend, Jared...and you are?
You: His girlfriend, y/ he's not home but you can wait for him if you want
Jared: Bet, you know when he'll be back?
You nod your head no and his eyes wander down your body.
You: My eyes are up here
Jared: My bad
You cross your arms and roll your eyes
You: Whatever, make yourself at home he should be back soon.
You go upstairs to chill for a bit and about 30 minutes later Sora returns. Him and Jared are downstairs talking and you are still upstairs.
Jared: So you got a girl?
Sora: Uh yeah
Jared: I met her today, she's sassy...I like it
Sora: Tf you just said bro???
Jared: Nothing...
Sora: That's what I thought...Imma go upstairs n say hi to her.
He comes upstairs and into the room
Sora: hey babe
You: hey!
He kisses your cheek and you smile
Sora: So you met Jared?
You: Yeah he's obnoxious
Sora: You barely talked to him
You: That says a lot
He laughs a little.
Sora: Hey so I was wondering if you wanna join me and my dad and some other people for dinner tonight
You: Yeah sure
You smile.
Sora: Good
He kisses your forehead and leaves the room.
You are getting ready for the dinner. You take a shower and do your hair and makeup. You then put on a little black dress with black heels. You can hear people arriving and Sora is already downstairs. You take a deep breath and go downstairs. You see Sora near the dining table sipping a drink and talking to another man. Sora is wearing a black button up shirt with black dress pants and a silver watch. He is also wearing silver rings. You smirk at how fine he looks. You then snap out of it when he begins to talk.
Sora: Hello everyone, I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight for the first dinner meeting that I'm leading, I'd like to ask that we all take our seats now so we can move forward with the night. Sora pulls out a seat for you to sit right across from him. You smile and sit down, it feels awkward but you try to deal with it.
Sora: Alright let's get started.
For about an hour they talk about business and money and blah blah blah. Feeling bored and wanting to cause some trouble, you slide your foot between Sora's leg and slowly rub your foot right around his dick. He bites his lower lip to stop himself from moaning then takes a sip of his wine. You smile and innocently mimic his actions. About 5 minutes later he says...
Sora: I believe we've covered everything for tonight...I'd like to thank you all for coming and that concludes this meeting.
Everyone stands up and exits the house. You begin to run upstairs. When you get upstairs you begin to take off all your clothes. You then get on the bed and wait for Sora to come upstairs...



To be Continued...

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